So here's me in a paragraph or so...

<p>i apologized for that. and also everything i said in my last post came directly from the brown forums and thats what everyone said cuz u dont know who is going to read your application. sorry if i seemed critical ok?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
if its not too much trouble</p>

<p>Okay, the Cher thing was a dumb joke concerning two rants I recieved via pm, and I wanted to make their senders feel a little silly. I had never even considered putting my sexuality on the application until a friend's mother, a former college admissions officer, mentioned it as a possible diversity bit. As an Anglo-Saxon Lutheran from the Mid-Atlantic, I thought maybe I could use some help in the area. And maybe you're right about how backwards society is, collegebond. I mean, some people even use the word "retarded" pejoratively!</p>

<p>thank you for seeing my point. i personally would see it as an advantage seeing as you have had to overcome adimosity and challenges as a result of your sexuality. but society is not always the most fair thing. just dont risk it. there's not that much potential in it helping but a lot in hurting you. i have heard people mentioning it at the interview assuming they figure out the interviewers socio-poliical views. btw did u comment on my chances?</p>

<p>Hahahahaha. Some people use the word "retarded" pejoratively. HAHA. Brownhopefulguy, I like you already.</p>

<p>I did not comment on your chances, collegebond, because I'm a junior in high school. I'm sure you're much more aware of your application's strengths, weaknesses, and platitudes than I am, and so I doubt I'd add anything to the thread. I'm not criticising though; the central thrust of these threads seems to be made of people like us, bundles of neurosis brought on by an overbearing interest in our futures. Congratulations on finding an outlet. Also, consider a career selling hair rejuvenation pills; you've got this saturation **** down!</p>

<p>well, all I can say is that you have a pretty amazing chance based on your SATs and extracurriculars.</p>

<p>but here's what I think:</p>

<p>don't talk about ADHD, it just seems like an excuse. On the other hand, it may appear as if you are bragging - If you've already done so well without knowing about it, what is the point of bringing it up? You can leave out being gay - which does nothing in showing your character/personality, unless you can write about how being gay has influenced your outlook, made you a stronger person, etc. I'd also leave out the divorce. You don't want to try and get the reader to sympathize with you. It may backfire on your as appearing whiny. Also, even if the reader sympathizes with you - it doesn't necessarily help, you're trying to prove how amazing you are, not how many problems you have.</p>

<p>Admissions officals are all very proud of their university. If you have the chance, write about specifics of that uni/college that stand out to you and how it works well with you. Flatter the college - since they are proud of their colleges - but don't go overboard.</p>

<p>Your GPA of 3.7 is fine. Not everyone who goes to Princeton has a 4.0. Plus they will see that your school is very competitive. The Honors and AP classes that you are taking is more important to them.</p>

<p>Okay, so I've narrowed the essay to just being a personal account of my passions. Imagine! Can I still put a little disclaimer on the transcript itself? My grades really have made an amazing improvement with treatment (my theo trig grade has risen from 71 to 94), so I trust my GPA will rise to 3.8 or so.</p>

<p>lols i got a 75 in trig too. but it was honors so i guess that has to be taken into consideration. and it was 92 first term. Overall my grades for amth are 99,99,92(honors),75(honors),93, 100(prbly). does this look bad. my counselor is prbly gonna mention as to why my grades are low taht term in her rec(family problems/disputes, sick relative). will this hurt me at all?</p>

And maybe you're right about how backwards society is, collegebond. I mean, some people even use the word "retarded" pejoratively!


<p>Dude, where are you FROM?!!?</p>

<p>I'm from Lancaster, and I'm kidding.</p>

<p>how do my math grades look?</p>