So I am an international student and currently both of my parents are unemployed

Since both of my parents are unemployed, do I show that in my CSS profile, and just show income from investments?

you answer the questions as they are asked - they will cover salary and investments.

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If I recall, you’ll have to give a lot of information about assets, such as property, cars, investments, etc…
How to Complete the CSS Profile® – BigFuture | College Board.


It won’t just be the income from investments. It’s very possible you will need to show the value of these investments as well.

As noted, just answer the questions honestly on the Profile.

In addition, schools will ask how your family is making ends meet…how are they paying rent/mortgage, buying food, etc.

The schools are looking not only for the value of savings/other investments, but also if family members or others are providing $ support.

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