<p>I'm graduating this month with a degree in Chemistry and minor in Math. The job is titled "Product Analyst." So how can I answer the question "Why don't you want to get into Chemical Industry?" besides saying "Because I don't like Chemistry anymore?"</p>
<p>“Product analyst”= QC monotonous work with a fancy name.</p>
<p>yes but can you answer the question please…</p>
<p>I love Chemistry, that’s why I majored in it, but I am less excited by the future of the Chemical industry itself. Given my analytical background though, I feel that I can contribute in many other areas.</p>
<p>^^ Well versed in the art of bull**** I see.</p>
<p>I have another question! Is it okay to say “screw up” during a job interview?</p>
<p>I suppose it all depends on the context.</p>
<p>It probably depends on the context you use that phrase in. I would avoid saying something like “you should hire me becuase from what I have seen of your company’s products, whoever you have doing the job for you now is a real screw up”</p>
<p>Sounds a bit too slang. Erred sounds more proper.</p>
<p>PS that last post definitely do not say anything negative. You are supposed to be upbeat and put a positive spin on everything. Instead of saying something like the last guy is an F-up; say From my research of your products I believe I can make several improvements.</p>