So, I'm waitlisted, what do I do?

<p>I personally think it is a good idea to feel good about a school you were accepted to and sent your response in for, and then assume you will not get off the waitlist. So, if you do get accepted, you will be happily surprised and will have to then decide if you still want to attend.</p>

<p>I agree. I know someone who was all set to go to Cornell when they took him off the waitlist for MIT. Apparently, they hadn't taken anyone off in the past couple of years so it was a big shocker. The fact that he hadn't been all depressed about it made the news that much better I think. Because had no reason to feel any resentment toward the school.</p>

<p>Well Stanford overenrolled, but schools like Cornell and Duke are taking kids off the waitlist. Any word on Princeton's Yeild?</p>

<p>no idea. see the thing is Duke and Cornell take kids off their waitlists everyyear. Princeton, on the other hand, hasn't taken anyone off in the last two years. hope for the best though. =&lt;/p>

<p>Well here is waitlist status at colleges thus far
Have Started Admitting from Waitlist: Cornell, Duke, Yale, Penn, Williams,MIT, Caltech, Harvard (not confirmed)
Overenrolled: Amherst, Stanford, Dartmouth
No News: Brown, Columbia, Princeton :/</p>

<p>Dionysus - Do you know of someone who has actually been admitted to Yale this year from the waitlist? My daughter is waiting to hear.</p>

<p>How about Harvard? Anyone knows?
My daughter is on a waiting list..</p>

<p>any news at all? the silence is defeaning.</p>

<p>I got in off the WL. They told me to respond by next Wednesday so I guess they'll have another wave later.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Looks like Princeton's only going to take 30 people off the waitlist from a pool of 794 or thereabouts, that's only about 3.8%.</p>

<p>Since it seems they sent out thier first wave, they probably gave 20-30 offers of admission to waitlisted candidates. </p>

<p>This means that unless some princeton people get of the waitlist elsewhere and go (maybe yale or something?) or people turn down the princeton offer, it doesn't look good for the remainder of the waitlisted.</p>

<p>The word on the street is that Princeton has informed all its wait list candidates already.</p>

<p>Congrats, Ryan</p>

<p>I spoke to an admissions officer today. </p>

<p>The waitlist is closed. They took about 20 people off it. Waitlisted candidates will receive a notification in a week or two. </p>

<p>I also asked why don't they have transfer applicants. He responded that Princeton students need 2 years of a residential college. Then I asked him, why don't you just accept junior year transfers, and he basically gave me some, finiancial aid, it gets really messy pish posh.</p>

<p>huh? u mean they still haven received notification yet? or do u mean that the rejects will receive notification in a week or two? cuz damn, this is late.</p>