So this is a new feeling...

<p>So for the first time in my entire academic life, I just made a C on a major exam. To put this in perspective, I've had 95 averages or above in all of my classes (especially math) since 4th grade, when I quit homeschooling. So then comes this C on an AP Calc test. I was prepared. I studied. I felt good about it. Problem: there were only 4 questions on the entire test. I missed one. End of story.</p>

<p>I feel like dying.</p>

<p>hey! dont be so negative i mean its only one question, and you’ll do way better everyone has that one time where they dont do as well as usual on a test. oh and also its AP CALC!!! i mean of course you missed one its a hard class… dont give up! =)</p>

<p>Hahaha, oh wow.</p>

<p>Grow some balls.</p>

<p>awwww poow baby…you need a hug?
and maybe a juicebox and a blanky??</p>

<p>C’mon guys, we’ve all been there.
Granted it was in 2nd grade for me, but some people are perfect for just a bit longer.</p>


<p>haha don’t worry at all…its one darn grade for the class, i’m sure you’ll have tons of grades in there that will make up for it!</p>

<p>Bahahaha, that’s okay. I mean, it was a four-question test!!</p>

<p>I got a 49.4% on a legit Chem test earlier this year. :smiley: </p>

<p>Happens to the best of us. It’s kind of a rite of passage, yaknow?</p>

<p>hey, i got a C on my precalc midterm and i still got an A in the class. you’ll be fine! :] i know how it feels, though… and i was sick at the time, so i was out of it anyway.</p>

<p>^ haha I think I appreciate Poseur’s comment the most, because he’s incredibly legit. Reminds me that it happens to {almost} everyone. Unfortunately, my average is now an 85 and the only things left to bring it up are menial quizzes and the final. So I better make a 100 on that final lol.</p>

<p>^LOL because everyone thinks that Poseur and I are guys… ehhh.</p>


That’s NOTHING! I got a 33.3333% on a legit AP physics test last year - and it’s not because there were 3 questions. There were tons of questions. I was just really dumb. lol.</p>

<p>cry me a river…</p>

<p>Um, same situation I am in. I’m in a retarted physics C class…there are only 2 A’s…3 questions on each exam, 5 exams a semester. I’ve gotten a C, B+, and B-…and my class grade right now is a B+…arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>