So, what are all the kids doing this summer?

<p>^ wow! no rest for the weary eh Monte?
my summer goal is to try and get DS to change up his Fall schedule so it is less brutal. Two of his prof. are on ratemyprofessor as “do not take under any circumstances,” “GPA killer,” “should be fired.” That has to change.</p>

<p>My D leaves May 25 for a 9 1/2 week job as an office assistant for Camp Winshape Christian Camps located in Rome, Georgia. The camp director is Truett Cathy’s daughter and the camp is owned by Chik-Fil-A. My D is very administrative, so this should be an excellent fit for her and it pays well, so I am glad about that. Her 3 weeks on the front and her 2 weeks on the back will be spent catching up with old friends and hosting new Bama friends for trips to Six Flags and Braves games.</p>

<p>Older son who “graduated” last week will be taking a programming class over the summer before starting his PhD in August. He wanted a “refresher.”</p>

<p>Younger son will be spending 10 weeks at University of South Carolina doing bio-medical engineering research. It’s a REU (research experience for undergrads).</p>

<p>monte - that sounds kind of like my D’s schedule. 3 weeks from 11 - 2 then 6 weeks of 8 - 5 at school!</p>

<p>peachtide - that sounds like a fun job. my D wanted to work at a camp, but she kind of needs to go to summer school to make her schedule work out better. i wish that my D and your D had met … maybe next year. : )</p>

<p>Son started an engineering class at Pitt this past week but it meets only 2 1/2 hours ONCE a week from May to August which means it’s tough to schedule any extended family vacation this summer. He was supposed to go to Europe this summer and was hoping to squeeze a few weeks abroad after the summer session, but not with this schedule. :frowning: </p>

<p>On the upside, it’s a small class of about 20 and the professor is laid back and thorough. He was surprised to find one guy in the class who also went to his Montessori school!</p>

where is your son doing his phd? Is it in math? That’s very exciting. I’m not all that familiar with post grad programs- you don’t have to get a masters’ first? How long is a phd program?</p>

<p>ldinct: No longer do students need to have a masters before getting a PhD. They are awarded a masters in addition to the PhD, which usually take four or so years.</p>

<p>Wow you all have high achieving kids. My S needs to look for a job when he comes home…any job that will take in account that he’s off to school again in September; with this economy I don’t know what he’ll find. My fingers are crossed he finds something as he is DEFINITELY not sitting around doing nothing!</p>

<p>My son will be doing research in the Bahamas for several weeks in a very remote location, then returning home to his regular summer job. He will also shadow several physicians and volunteer at a hospital.</p>

<p>On the positive side, I’ve been waiting to post this. For all his hard work, we rewarded son with concert tickets for his favorite rock group. They will be playing six hours away, so we’ll add a day for a mini vacation in that city before summer classes start.</p>

<p>Son’s class will be taught by a professor he did research with a couple of summers ago, so it will be a good chance to reconnect. So far, only 10 kids registered for the course, so hopefully, he’ll make some new friends.</p>

<p>To you kids with jobs, congratulations! That is so awesome! With the economy, it is so hard for even the adults to get jobs, what an accomplishment! </p>

<p>Hoping all of you have a blessed summer and enjoy your time with your kids before they head back to school in the fall!</p>

<p>DD is staying in Tuscaloosa doing Psych Research (paid). One research group she worked with spring smester and will continue with that project this summer. In addition she has added a new research project to add a few more paid hours.</p>

<p>The first paid research came off of a referal from a reseach project she did for a psych class. I am adding this info because I am always amazed at how many opportunities I feel the UA kids are offered!</p>

<p>Oh and prepping for the MCAT!</p>

<p>*Oh and prepping for the MCAT! *</p>

<p>Oh yes, S2 will be doing this too. Does she have the Examkrackers set? </p>

<p>When will your D be taking the MCAT? S2 will be taking it next spring.</p>

<p>I’ve got an internship with Gulfstream in Savannah for most of the summer. Before that, I’m running around Dallas shopping for wedding and graduation gifts, attending said wedding and graduation(s), and attempting to relax and take my one final. While in Savannah I plan on teaching myself Heat Transfer, prepping for the GRE, hopefully seeing a few friends who are nearby or are gonna come down to the area, and making MANY weekend beach trips!! Oh and then hopping over to DC for a week during my internship (boss is not gonna be happy bout that >.< ).</p>

<p>D will be on the Alabama at Oxford trip in July. She thought she had her employment set for May, June & beginning of August (her HS job said she was welcome back; she’d filled in during Winter Break) but when she contacted them to let them know she was home, they informed her that the business was closing :frowning: Hard to find a job, when you’re going to be gone for 5 weeks. But…keeping fingers crossed that she may have found a 2-3 day/week nanny job. And she’s already got some babysitting jobs from her HS clients.</p>

<p>The family will be visiting Walt Disney World in a few weeks. And since Montegut brought up concerts: we’ll all be seeing U2 in July, the girls & I will be seeing Train & Maroon 5 in June and the girls are going to the (still can’t believe it) NSYNC/Backstreet Boys show. I’ll go to almost any concert (worked in concert production in college) but there’s a limit even for me ;)</p>

<p>I’m currently home after flying much of the way back in first class. :slight_smile: I’ll be spending some of my summer doing errands and relaxing/taking the GMAT or GRE. I’ll be spending June in Reno taking a math and a graduate level economics course and hopefully spending some time at Lake Tahoe. I’m trying to plan another vacation and hopefully the Honors College will have planned some kind of tornado relief service activity so I can return early in August.</p>



<p>Haha, it’s very true. Even at 26, my own mother babies me.</p>



<p>I guess then I should report that I will be graduating in August (if I can get my paperwork together) or December. I may go to Houston in a month to look for a job.</p>

<p>Wow, loving these posts.</p>

<p>Feenotype, so, so proud of you! Please keep us posted. We’ve enjoyed your posts and have learned so much from you.</p>

<p>As for concerts, we’re seeing the Foo Foo Fighters. Following the Memphis flooding very closely. Husband and I went to Mud Island a few weeks ago and loved it, planned to bring son before the concert, but we hear it’s under water.</p>

<p>RobD, looking forward to hearing about the concerts. Those are awesome groups.</p>

<p>Please let us know how the Oxford program goes. It may be an option for next summer. What requirements does it fulfill? Son needs one more humanities course.</p>

<p>Please do let us know, seatide, if there are any early arrival honors opportunities. Son really wants to get back there to help out with the recovery, and he’ll have a few weeks free between summer session ending and move in date of August 21.</p>

<p>MCAT ? DD was just home for 3 days and purchased a MCAT prep book Barons?</p>

<p>Not real sure which publisher she settled on. I was trying to get her to follow the guide at the AED web page and some advice here on CC.</p>

<p>She is going to start with this prep book and move on to Exam Crackers if she thinks she needs it.</p>

<p>We have family friends that will have 3 in 3 different medical schools next year. Im sure she will visit with them and ask LOTS of questions when she is home later in the summer.</p>

<p>Date to take MCAT is to be determined but all college prep classes covered on MCAT finished!</p>

<p>Mom2K I see you posting on the med school CC pages…I am thankful for your always insightful questions and answers!</p>



<p>I’ve had to be a “quick study” for all this MCAT, AMCAS, Science GPA, and cum GPA stuff, and the med school app process. The process is like nothing anyone would ever imagine!!</p>

<p>I’ve been following Curmudgeon’s D’s college process since she was in high school and now she’s at Yale med…so I’ve learned a ton from him (and Kristin, BDM, BigRedMed, and the others).</p>

<p>S2 completed all of his pre-med pre-reqs in the fall, so now he has to make sure that the rest of his grades stay “up to snuff”. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Good luck to your D!!!</p>

<p>lil bro will be spending his summer as a barback at a local resort. And when not at work I imagine he’ll be lounging on my mom’s couch watching tv and waiting for his girlfriend or friends to come over. </p>

<p>If he’s out of bed once before noon this summer I’ll be shocked. If he picks up a book then we all better start praying. Because the end will be near :-)</p>