So, what are all the kids doing this summer?

<p>mine is talking summer school: a minimester of statistics and then six weeks of biology and anatomy. i think she should take more of a break, but this is what she wants to do. : /</p>

<p>what are your kids doing?</p>

<p>My D has a paid internship. She will be learning computer programing on the job. It will be a great opportunity for her to give it try since she is considering CS as a complement to her art major (right now she wants to end up in the video game design industry).</p>

<p>Her younger sister will be taking a class this summer to free up a credit so she can take more language classes in HS.</p>

<p>^ interesting BamaMom - DS is in the opposite situation, adding art to his CS. Something to keep in mind is that it looks near impossible without coming in with APs or spending an extra semester. Found out unfortunately that the studio courses do not count as fine arts, so every last one of the major/minor requirements are elective credits to the CS degree, with the exception of ARH252 (art history - a FA credit)</p>

<p>Back on topic - DS starts back at Costco this Thurs. On the college retention program so his job is guaranteed as long as he keeps coming home :slight_smile: May not be in his major but he can make some major bank!</p>

<p>Still considering taking something at CC here to lighten up his schedule next year.</p>

<p>AL~that is interesting! Daughter plans to double major with Math as her other major, but we would like for her to consider CS. To complicate matters, she isn’t going for a usual BA in art, she is pursuing a BFA in Studio Art! She will hopefully come in with 18hr of AP credit. We know she has all of freshman comp from her English AP last year. Now we wait for her math and Physics scores, but we are confident she will get the scores needed.</p>

<p>I hear Costco is a nice place to work…it definitely is a nice place to shop! :)</p>

<p>My DD will lifeguard, teach swim lessons, coach and swim for the neighborhood swim team. She’s very efficient as she will earn money, have maximum tanning hours and be able to socialize all at the same time. Older brother will have a paid engineering internship and younger sister is taking an on-line HS language class to free up time for another science or art class, spending 3 weeks in Germany with a student exchange, and going to non-residential music and badminton camps.</p>

<p>D has recruited several church friends to return to Alabama to assist with storm clean-up efforts. They will spend a week at a Birmingham church helping wherever needed. She also is working at her Dad’s radio station as the afternoon news director, and spending mornings taking an online Macro-Economics class.
Later this month are auditions for the community theatre production of Hairspray. She is hoping for a good role, either Amber or Penny. She has been in numerous productions in the past, so hopefully she will make the cut. Rehearsals will be every evening for a month.
Then, if time allows, (haha) she wants to self study for French to test out of lower level classes at Bama. It’s been a long time since HS French, which wasn’t a strong class anyway, so we’ll see.
Our community didn’t have a Junior Miss program last year, so D has been asked to come back and give up her 2010 title, and assist with the program. She 'll be rehearsing with the contestants and perforning during the competition.
Before you know it they will all be back at school. D will go back 2 weeks early as she is in a sorority, and they will need to prepare for rush.
I’ll hardly see her this summer :(</p>

<p>What great kids!</p>

<p>S is still looking for a job, he doesn’t graduate hs until the 9th and then has bama bound until the 14th and leaves for AA on the 13th of Aug, so barely 2 months to work. He’s not finding anyone willing to hire for that short of a time. He is also not yet 18, and there are some places he can’t work. He is a soccer referee now, but that ends in June. He really needs to earn some spending money. He was going to possibly audit a cal class as that is his worst subject, but the only one I could find was biz cal and he would miss the last 2 classes. Still might be worth it.
I was thinking of caddying, but the boys there always seem to get into a lot of trouble. I will look into the Costco program.</p>

<p>Your college-aged children aren’t “kids” anymore - they’re adults. :)</p>

<p>feenotype: are you a parent? LOL</p>

<p>I do stand corrected but there are lots of worse options these ‘young adults’ could be choosing and my complement stands! ( I’m not sure parents ever stop thinking of their offspring as their ‘kids.’ I’ll let you know in a few years :slight_smile: ) No put-down intended! :)</p>

<p>ldinct -
Costco has definitely already hired for the summer, students who get into the retention program have worked for the company prior to college, and commit to working X hours per year. If you are seriously interested then all hiring is done via, can’t hurt to give it a try, if not for now then for the holiday season.</p>

<p>S doesn’t graduate until June 15th.
Since we are flying out to check him into his dorm in August, we decided to extend our trip and turn it into a mini-last-ditch-family vacation.
We are thinking about a couple of days in New Orleans, a couple of days at the Gulf Shore and than off to Tuscaloosa- and bye-bye until X-mas=(
The south in August?
What do you think…</p>

<p>hey Yorba my family did the same thing last year…but we drove out from Fullerton, Ca stopping at the Grand Canyon, San Antonio, New Orleans, Gulf Shores and then Tuscaloosa…It was fun, On The way back we were in Memphis, ALbuquerque, Flagstaff…we had a few overnight stops along the way…Clovis, NM (bad stop) and in Oklahoma we stayed overnight in Sallisaw (not so good).- It was great. Have a fun time!</p>

<p>Our D is headed back to T-town tomorrow for the modified version (due to the tornado) of the Fellows Black Belt Experience. They are staying on campus and it sounds like they will have a wide range of volunteer opportunities in Tuscaloosa. Some of the original Black Belt Experience projects are still happening, albeit in a modified manner. She is very thankful to still have the opportunity to teach the ACT Prep course she and another Fellow planned. They will be going back and forth to Marion part of the time. </p>

<p>She will be back home at the end of May and will work as the summer office manager at the dance studio where she grew up. Then back to Tuscaloosa in early August!</p>

<p>My DD is finishing her Junior year in high school. She’s heading to T-town for Capstone Summer Honors Program (CSHP) in three weeks. In July, she’s going to the Dave Matthew Band Caravan for three days in Chicago. End of July, she’s going to IU (Indiana University) in Bloomington, IN for a Yearbook Editor Workshop for 5 days.
Not exactly on the same track as the previous post but I thought that it sounded like a fun summer, especially for a 17yo ;)</p>


<p>When you’re a parent you’ll realize that your children are your “kids” forever! :)</p>

<p>for that matter feeno - like it or not you’re one of our online UA kids! ;)</p>

<p>DD returned home from Bama today…spent a half hour unpacking the car…kissed us good bye and headed to a planning meeting for a 5k that she a two sorority sisters are planning as a benefit for Tuscaloosa and it’s tornado victims. The girls came up with this the Thursday after Wednesday’s devastating tornadoes. They contacted the Kansas City local Alumni chapter and once the ball got rolling it has really gained momentum! Javier Arenas and the KC Chiefs are on board as well. The girls are really excited about the opportunity to give back to a community they love so much!
In addition she’s taking Organic Chem and a lab and also lfe guarding at our local country club.<br>
We volunteered all day Wednesday handing out snack bags and water as well a diapers and personal hygiene supplies. She ended up donating all her bedding, towels, socks, tennis shoes, and storage bins …made the car much less crowded on the way home! She is already planning when her boyfriend can come up from Muscle Shoals. We were lucky to get to finally get in a view her place at Sterling Crimson and so all the way home we made lists of things she “NEEDS” for her new place. We had all kinds of "where to live " drama so am glad it’s finally settled.
I am so glad to have her home!</p>

<p>My son leaves today (along with the daughters of mom of four and johnr441) on a 10-day trip to Costa Rica as part of the Alabama Action Abroad program. They will be teaching English to school kids and doing various other service projects. He also will spend 10 days studying in Greece, thanks to a trip that he won from the national office of his fraternity, and then, he goes (with his roommate) to Belgium to do study abroad – that trip includes stops in London and Paris. He also has to attend two conferences – one in Maryland and one in Arizona – before school starts. And there’s also talk of a beach trip with some HS friends.</p>

<p>Between trips and doing his laundry, he will do some freelance writing for our local newspaper for some additional pocket money.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, I’ll have a lovely collection of postcards …</p>

<p>Class at local college from 8 to 3 every day. Includes lecture and lab, two summer sessions, back to back. Homework, no doubt, for the remaining hours of the day.</p>

<p>Two weeks break on the front and back end, where we’ll try to get in doctor’s, eye appointments, and hopefully a chance to decompress before a very tough fall semester starts up.</p>