So what now? Advice from a College Senior

<p>The reason I picked Dartmouth Bound was primarily because of the application assistance they give. I think it will be cool having ivy league admission officers review her application and give comments…priceless.</p>

<p>She will be in LEAD for three weeks in July and this program starts 2 days later. She will wrap up sumer with a program at northwestern for a week. She is relaxing the month of June because she knows she is busy through the rest of summer.</p>

<p>I encourage you to really figure out summer dates and what is possible. There are so many great programs during the summer. Originally I had thought about MIT and Carnegie Mellon, but DD wouldn’t agree to a six week program. I know they look great on resume, but ih well.</p>

<p>Good luck NewHavenMom</p>

<p>Sighhhh @ Lacrossemom–</p>

<p>What our dd’s won’t agree to… LOL they have no idea what is in store for them and that we know far more than they ever will… so bull headed, well at least I know mine is! She always has been. I was just thinking this morning that as a toddler(less than 2 years old) she REFUSED to sit in the swings for smaller children(you knwo the kind where they sit in the swing, as opposed to the one piece version). She always insisted on the swings for the big kids.and no, she never fell, and she would get upset if I stood too close, trying to protect her from a fall… I’m not not sure what cleared the cobwebs off of that memory, but she has always been fiercely independent… the bull headedness didn’t start until puberty began.</p>

<p>My dd will be doing a Biotechnology program @ University of New Hampshire for the month of July. Then she will do a journalism program @ Yale U which is only a week long. She wanted to forgo a program this summer. But I told her absolutely not, this town can be disastrous for teens with nothing to do… especially during the summer months as there are no jobs and the summer programs are far and few between for smart kids like her. She just finished school on Tuesday and is trying to fit in as many birthday and graduation parties, beach outings prior to go away. Her friends will be here all summer and she is feeling(doing nothing) like she is going to miss them terribly… LOL she will only be gone for 27 days…</p>

<p>She will apply to the MIT program next year and maybe Carnegie Mellon, we are not sure yet… I have tons of great summer programs saved in a folder on my computer and we will start to look at them in October/Nov. So she can decide where she wants to apply, she can’t apply to them all… there are far too many(maybe 25??) </p>

<p>The assistance on the app would be nice. I will keep that in mind. But here again, if the programs run into the Dartmouth Bound dates, then our hands will be tied.</p>

<p>Bookmarks and best wishes!</p>

<p>Thanks for the post, isayhello! =]</p>

<p>How did this end?</p>

<p>Thanks for bumping this thread, this was really insightful and I think that the class of 2013 kids on here could use her advice wherever we end up.</p>