So..when's your GRADUATION?

<p>sometime in June 2008</p>

<p>Trust me, I am counting down the days until May 26th.....</p>

<p>may 11th, and we just got 2 snow days. Yeah 2 day week, no school Monday (honest abe's b day) and then no school tuesday and Wednesday, yeah, pretty sweet......</p>

<p>Underoath89, that's an early graduation compared to mine. You're lucky!</p>

<p>Mine's on June 2nd. Our graduation is always on the first Saturday in June. (In previous years, it was always when I took the SAT II subject tests. Glad I won't be doing that this year.)</p>

<p>May 23rd I think but we get out a week early</p>

<p>may 27th. But from the thursday that week we go to Disneyland.</p>

<p>june 18th couldn't come sooner :)</p>

<p>May 20th for the seniors at my school.</p>

<p>We've got it June 10th</p>

<p>June 8th for me</p>

<p>June 16th for me</p>

<p>June 15th, I believe. :)</p>

<p>may 26th, damn some of you guys get out hella late</p>

<p>June 20 something.</p>

<p>june something. is there anyone else who doesn't want to go to graduation? i'd rather just walk into the school office the following day and pick up my diploma...</p>

<p>I think we're like June 21st... oh the joys of being in the north and then potentially going to a southern college that starts a good 15 days before some northern ones. =P</p>

<p>June '09..........</p>

<p>June 4th</p>

<p>June 5th -- my birthday! :p</p>

<p>is mine the latest? june 23 :(</p>