So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Absolutely take it. The alternative is they discard it. The shelf life of the vaccine after reconstitution is fairly short. Better you than nobody.

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I just got mine this afternoon at one of the mega sites. We were in and out in 1 hour. It was efficient. The line of cars kept moving. Not a bad experience at all.


From the article: " Even if you feel it’s unethical that you have been offered a vaccine, that doesn’t mean it’s unethical for you to accept it. " This doesn’t mean that people should shove others aside and take advantages of loopholes/weaknesses in registration systems to see if they get caught, though.


I am not sure how one could shove others aside and take advantages of loopholes/weaknesses in registration systems. The software lets as many people in as it could handle and it is first come first serve until it runs out of space. Even if the software doesn’t have enough control in place to prevent ineligible people to sign up, they would still need to prove their eligibility when they show up to get vaccinated.
Is the whole system fair? No. Why should smokers in NJ get ahead of other people? Why is there no consistency on who is in 1a, 1b, 1c across all states? I will adhere to regulations that are set out by the government, but I am not going to judge whether someone is more deserving than me to get the vaccine.


24 hours since my first (Moderna) shot: only side effect has been a sore arm. While noticeably sore, it hasn’t been bad enough for Tylenol etc. So far, so good.

(I seldom get a sore arm after the flu shot or other vaccines, so this is definitely a side effect in my case.)


Just had my second Moderna at the County Health Department where I had my first. My appointment was at 9:00; after checking in with a National Guard, signing in at one window, then registering at another, I was given my injection at 9:07. Couldn’t have been easier!

This was different from when my husband went for his second on Wednesday. He said the waiting room had at least 30 people and no room for a lot of social distancing, but not horrible. The nurse giving my injection said they had 4 stations today, so maybe they are figuring out how to manage a crowd all day.

Now waiting to sign my mother up for her second Pfizer. The first experience of registering and administration was a huge cluster. Her county keeps posting on social media that one will receive an email with appointment sign up, but I really have no confidence in that. I have already heard that people are not receiving emails prior to the 3 week mark, so wondering if the county is having to stretch the second dose to 4 weeks or later. I know plenty of health care workers as well as those 65+ that are due in this county starting next week, so we will see how many get the email and when.


@snowball did your husband have side effects from the second shot? Wondering if you will (hoping not).

My second Moderna shot is Feb 2.

Speaking of sore arms, I read an immunologist saying not to take aspirin or ibuprofen to ease the pain. They might interfere with the immune response your body is trying to mount.

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@thumper1 he did not other than a slight sore arm; nothing more than like a flu shot. The nurse giving mine reminded me that symptoms typical are fever and chills, usually on the second day. I did mine on a Friday so that if I had any issues, it was on a weekend where I could stay home and chill out. Did the same for my Shingrix vaccines, but never had any trouble. Actually after my second Shringrix I had a slight fever the second day, but nothing that kept me from doing anything.


I received my 2nd Pfizer shot on Tuesday. Side effects- about 14 hours later developed low grade fever (100.4), slight nausea and a few chills. Did not hamper me in my daily activities. I really did not realize I had a slight temp until I decided to take my temperature. Took one Tylenol and less than 24 hours later all symptoms gone. Sore arm - of course, but less than after 1st shot. I am between age of 60-65 and work in a hospital.


My parents and my grandma received the Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday. I talked to my mom last night and they were all doing well except for a bit of soreness at the injection site.
This news has made my week!


(reposted from the other Covid thread): My mom (88) got the Moderna vaccine this morning at Wegmans. Her appointment was 11:30am and my sister texted me a picture of her getting the shot at 11:50am. She was given an appointment for the second shot in 4 weeks. I booked the appointment on Wednesday and got it only because I was relentlessly refreshing about 6 websites. The system is clearly broken, but I hope it will now improve and I am so grateful I was able to get her vaccinated.


A nurse - one of the large hospital systems in Houston - told me the same thing. She took a Tylenol the night of her shot. I ended up taking one today (about 26 hours after my shot), less for the sore arm than for a headache which I don’t think is vaccine related. Ugly weather here and not surprising that I have a headache. Thought about not taking anything but then decided to go for it. On advice I too stayed away from aspirin and ibuprofen (which I usually take). The Tylenol worked: head and arm better.

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I finally got my first shot!! (Healthcare worker). Pfizer, no side effects. CVS came to our long term care facility (currently being used as a Covid Surge Alternate Care Site).


I had my first shot of Moderna today in NYC. When I made my appt 2 weeks ago I thought it was for 5pm, but it turned out to be 5am. :frowning: A lot of appts were cancelled in NYC, so I fully expected my appt to be cancelled. I even emailed them yesterday to make sure they had vaccines and they told me to show up. I was up at 4am and took an uber down. I was dropped off on the wrong side of building, so there was no one there. I thought to myself, “Oh great, the cancellation probably went to my spam folder.” I finally figured it out. They checked my paperwork 3 times to make sure I was eligible.
It is still early, will see if I get any side effects.


48 hours since my shot. I’ve now decided that the nagging headache yesterday was a side effect. I thought at first it might be weather-related. However, I fought it all day yesterday as it progressively worsened throughout the day. I even had it throughout the night and early morning hours. However, now the headache has disappeared and the sore arm noticeably better - like someone flipped a switch and called it done. This is without Tylenol etc. Let’s see if it lasts.

Yesterday’s headache and sore arm were not debilitating, more wearying by the end of the day. I called the day done by 7 p.m. and crawled into bed. Other than that I had a busy productive day with headache.

It helps me know to expect side effects with my second shot and somewhat prepare.

For what it’s worth - my side effects started about 24 hours after my shot. Day 1 - almost nothing.


I know people who have had “the” headache and when you first mentioned I thought it might be side effect. Hopefully, it goes away quickly, as it did for nurse I know


Second evening after the shot I fell asleep at 8pm. Slept for 10 hours.


Second Moderna yesterday and didn’t sleep well last night; woke up every hour. Headache started in the wee hours of the morning, and finally took tylenol around 9:00 this morning. If I had to work today, I could, but since it is a weekend, I will just hang out and do housework. The sore arm is minimal, and don’t notice it unless I press on the area.

Glad to be done! Mom is due her second Pfizer on February 1, just waiting for the county to email with her appointment date and time. When she went, they weren’t scheduling at the time of the first; now they are, so hopefully she will get the email. Where she went was so disorganized, I am hoping they have figured it out when she goes back; I don’t know if I can listen to her complain again!


I think that description of “like a switch going on/off” is accurate for many .

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