So....who has had a covid vaccine?

For those of you who have had the shot, were you automatically scheduled for the second shot?

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Yes, I received my first does on 1/4 and was automatically scheduled for the second dose on 1/25 at the same time.

No, given a date and told there would be a separate signup for second doses.

Med school lad had to sign up for his second dose immediately after signing up for his first dose, so both were scheduled before he had the first one.

She had all these appointments lined up before she even knew about her vaccination appointment. I explained that she should postpone as much as she can.

My mother was given an appt for the second shot before she left.

A friend’s mom had an appt this Fri in NY and it was cancelled/rescheduled for next week because they are running out of vaccines. I told her that at least it was rescheduled.

Automatic second appointment when first is scheduled. Finally distribution is beyond health department (for public) to widespread grocery pharmacy. Yea!
But no way will a less than computer savvy elder get an appointment unless someone is taking care of it for them.

Wonder if they could send out busses to do vacs like they do blood mobiles.

I have my scheduled date for my second shot, but not the time yet.

@TatinG my agency used VAMS which is the online registration and scheduling the CDC set up. I set up my account, and scheduled my first vaccine shot.

I had my shot at 11:10 in the morning and by 6 that evening, I received a VAMS email with a link to make my second appointment, which I did with no problems at all (fingers crossed it doesn’t get cancelled for some reason).

I know other folks whose second appointments were scheduled with them right after their first shot (while they were in the waiting/watching area).

I’m in CT.

I just think it’s so hard for our seniors to really grasp what is going on. I talk and talk to my mil that we are being careful and then she invites us over. I don’t know how else to explain it. But there is a disconnect between what they are doing and risk.

But then my niece just went to Mexico for 2 weeks.


negative on the auto 2nd appt. Was told to go back and check online (an overwhelmed system that keeps crashing) to reserve one.

D in MA did not have her 2nd vaccine scheduled yet. They told her they’d contact her when it was closer to the time for the 2nd. I’m a little concerned about that.

I implore people who get the vaccine to be really careful until 2 weeks after their 2nd shot. I personally know 6 people who got it after the first shot and before 2 weeks after the second. Even my niece who got exposed 3 days after the second dose , is in her young 30s and is a runner got quite ill.

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My friend works with a doctor that received her first shot and got on a plane for the holidays and came home and tested positive for Covid after traveling and now she is sick.


I second the issue of the difficulty of doing this for non-tech savvy seniors. I have spent the last week refreshing multiple websites to schedule an appointment for my 88 y/o mom in Western NY. While listening to a Cuomo presser and the inauguration this afternoon, the Wegman’s scheduler popped up and I was able to get her an appointment for Friday morning. I took a screen shot of the confirmation because I can’t believe I got it. We’ll see on Friday whether they schedule the second dose - the Wegman’s website says it will be scheduled when she gets the first dose.


I am in the Los Angeles area and just got my first dose of the vaccine today (Moderna) at a pharmacy in a grocery store. It was easy to schedule and seemed to run very smoothly once I was there. After I got the shot, I was then able to schedule my second dose online. For reference, I work in a dental office.


Just got a notification from our health department saying that we will be hearing in the next few days about scheduling the timing for second doses and that they are “secured.”


yes, I was but to be fair. As a health care worker it was given at the hospital I do rounds at daily. My parents had their’s at grocery store pharmacy and were told they would be called when to come in for the 2nd one.

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From the complaints I keep hearing about scheduling on-line appointments around here I’m guessing it’s because everyone signs in on 2 or 3 devices which just overwhelms the system.

Just got my vaccine - Moderna - this morning. When I walked in, someone took my temp and then scheduled my second shot (day and time) before sending me to the one who asked a few questions and then gave me the shot.


Hope this is appropriate here. A point of view on “If you’re offered a vaccine, should you take it??”