So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Our hospital healthcare system is one of the 10 hubs designated by NYS to distribute the vaccines covering 5-6 counties covering 10 hospitals. The Pfizer vaccine was the first to be delivered around 12/16/20 and was rolled out immediately following guidelines set the NYS. My husband, two brothers and myself are all employees from one of the hospitals and falls under group 1B. We received our first dose of the Moderna vaccine 12/26/20. Here’s our age, general health and what we experienced during the first dose.

Hubby - 50 yo, healthy/no meds - mild sore arm; brother#1 - 51 yo, on cholesterol and blood pressure meds -mild sore arm; brother #2 - 44 yo, healthy/no meds - mild sore arm and myself 47 yo (takes venlafaxine for depression) no other health issues - mild sore arm with slight tingling on my fingers and feet, mild chills.

Second dose received 1/23/21 in the afternoon. Husband just sore arm; brother#1 moderate sore arm same day followed by low grade fever the next day. Resolved end of day 2; brother#2 mild sore arm, chills, resolved at the end of day 2. Myself- I experienced the same tingling sensation 15 mins after the vaccine but much less, moderate sore arm with mild swelling on site of injection after 8 hours. I developed flu-like symptoms 20 hours after the shot-body ache, general weakness, chills and low grade fever. I took 2 Tylenol tablets (500 mg) on the 28th hour around 4pm, laid in bed for a few hours. By 10 pm I was 90% better with only the sore arm with mild swelling is bothering me a bit.

We are still in the process of getting appointments for our parents and in-laws ranging in age from 75,76, 82, and 83. Both sets of parents live with us. We are hoping by next month NYS will have more vaccines.


question for you guys: what would you say to your 80 yr old parents who do not want to get the vaccine? My dad has already had the virus, i think they feel immune. They never get flu shots, and see this as similar. I’m rather angry about this all; but have to stay calm. Trying to come up with new pros to getting one – wondered if you all have some new ideas.

I would appeal to them that they are helping protect their friends and family, and being responsible members of society. (And immunity from Covid is only supposed to last 3 months).


Did they get polio vaccine? Smallpox vaccine? Etc. Perhaps comparing this to vaccines other than the flu would be helpful.


You could share information with them about what is know as far as immunity after infection, but they are adults. If it were my parents (and my mom is on the fence about this as well) I would respect their decision. It is theirs to make.


I just got back from my first shot (Pfizer) at CentraState in Freehold NJ. It was very well organized. I hardly felt the shot at all. They made us sit in a large room for 15-30 minutes after the shot in case there were any reactions, then we could leave. A staff member gave a little speech about how we must get the 2nd shot we are scheduled for, and that even though we will be protected by the vaccine, we can still be carriers so we should continue to wear masks and practice social distancing until herd immunity is achieved. I thought it interesting that they felt they needed to give that little speech to recipients.


Not enough known yet about if you are vaccinated if you can still pass on the vaccine. So you might say that your visiting will be prohibited because you can’t take the chance of passing it on to people you know.

I also wouldn’t hesitate to be a little blunt and be perfectly frank about the suffering of those who get COVID and are hospitalized and vented - and perhaps die - it is very, very awful, painful, lonely situation. It’s not a scare tactic - it’s the truth.


My 83-year-old mother has no plans to get the vaccine. I told her the same thing I told her when she decided COVID was overblown and went about her life like nothing has changed (she traveled to FL last week to see her first great grandchild): “Mom, I love you, but your decision has two consequences. 1) We won’t be able to see each other until either this is over or we have a vaccine, and 2) If you get sick, you’re on your own; I won’t be able to help you.” Until I’m two weeks past the second shot, and I have no clue when that will be as I’m at the back of the line, I won’t be getting together with her, and she understands that. It just is what it is. I don’t try to change her mind. She is an adult and, if she accepts the consequences I laid out, there’s nothing more to say.


oldfort, in the spirit of helping each other out, how did you qualify for a vaccine in NYC? Many folks here are explaining how they met the eligibility requirement for their state. Here is NYC’s eligibility requirements info:

My 80 year old mom said she wouldn’t get it at first. She’s a retired nurse who hardly ever gets a flu shot, though she did get one this year. It took a few discussions, having her read the vaccine data and also hearing about some of her friends getting COVID and other friends getting vaccinated before she decided she should get one. She was able to get her first dose a few days ago, with no side effects.


Received my second Pfizer dose on Monday. I experienced mostly the same side effect that I did after the first dose-- sore arm. The only difference was some fatigue the evening of the vaccine and on the second day up until mid-morning but I was able to make it through the entire workday both times.


I went through the normal process and prioritization. I work for an entity that allowed me to get vaccinated. I had to show my paystub & work badge to prove my eligibility. I don’t think it is that helpful because not that many people work for my company.

My appointment was canceled last week. Right now it it impossible to get an appointment in NY. There aren’t enough vaccines in my county, when spots open up they close in 10 min etc. I am on a list to be called back, but I have no idea when that will be.

I am also eligible in NJ when 1b opens. My friends who are eligible there now are having a hard time, however it seems a little better than what’s going on in NY.

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My 85 year old mother finally has an appointment. My nephew signed her up on the UC Health app. She’s not a UC health insured person/doesn’t use their clinics but they allowed everyone to sign up. They had a trial run for 1000 seniors last weekend and it worked so they are doing 10,000 this weekend and she won a lottery spot. She also has the second shot scheduled for 4 weeks later, same time.

It’s at the baseball stadium and a drive through. I read a review of the trial day they had this weekend and the person said he left his house at 10.25 and was home at 11:35, so I guess everything worked smoothly.

She’s going through cancer treatments, has diabetes, heart issues etc (really very healthy for an 85 year old) but none of the 10 doctors she sees on a regular basis could arrange a vaccination or even point her in the right direction. We pick up 10 prescriptions a week at Safeway and they just say to sign up on the webpage but no way to get a vaccination. She just got lucky for the UC Health lottery.


BGBG4us, my neighbor stated her 92 year old mom was refusing. These were some of my responses.

There are so many reasons for them to get it! First of all, in that age group they are at the highest risk of dying. You don’t want them to die in a hospital alone and would be haunted by that for the rest of your life. In addition, if your parents get it, you will not have to worry about infecting them so can see them more often. (even though you continue precautions, yada yada) Others can see them more often. They won’t tend to pass it on to any caregivers or agemates and potentially cause a death. Show them a graph of how many people can be affected by one asymptomatic person shedding virus. How many could die. There are plenty of stories on line about weddings and funerals being spreader events. Talk about helping out society in this time of pandemic. Talk about how your worry will decrease. Etc.

Covid RN here, and I would not wish a covid death on any one or any family. Just too sad.

But sympathies. My mom, now deceased was anti vaccine, till hospitalized one winter with flu. She got religion fast, and took the flu shot every year afterwards with no protest.


I got my second pfizer shot yesterday. No problem except I played bridge badly today. Surely it was a side effect :slight_smile: And DH gets his second shot next friday!


Keep us posted. Hope you don’t get side effects.
Many people in my mom’s mahjong group got vaccinated. They are talking about playing again after their second shots. I know my mom has been very bored/lonely. It is good to see some life in her now.


90 yr old mother living in RI is not on the internet and had no idea when she’d be vaccinated. She lives in city-owned elderly housing, and thank goodness the city is holding a vaccination clinic in her building this coming weekend. My siblings and I have been working like crazy to keep mom safe.


Hello NJ sue,
My sister lives near freehold, and has been constantly checking the website. Any idea when they may be taking more sign ups ? Thanks for any info you can share, she has been so obsessed and fearful about the virus.

Husband got the vaccine at the mega center, Atlantic City, a well organized impressive system, He was in and out within an hour, and scheduled for the second one,

My apt is Saturday at a family health center.


Jerseysouthmomchess, I got my appointment by checking the CentraState website (COVID-19 Vaccinations - CentraState Healthcare System) early on Monday morning. I just checked it now and they stopped making new appointments as of Jan. 25. They schedule by the week so maybe they will open up new appointments early Monday on Feb. 1. It’s like a lottery. The other thing I noticed is that while I brought in the email from the NJ state registry that established my eligibility for the vaccine, they didn’t even look at it. So they are not really checking for eligibility. It’s essentially an honor system.

They are also only open from 7-10 a.m. on weekdays, at least for now.

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