So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I am a Healthcare worker in California. Received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the end of December. I had nausea, dizziness, extreme muscle pain and headache within 8 hours after the dose. My muscle pain and headache continued for a week so Employee Health had me tested for Covid (just in case) but was Negative. I dreaded having the 2nd dose which I got last week, but no problems this time. Barely any muscle pain at the injection site. The majority of my co-workers had more mild side effects after the 2nd dose than the first. I am the only one in my family that has gotten the vaccine.

My sister, a dental hygienist has been diligently trying for the last 3 weeks to get an appointment anywhere to no avail. My 86 year old Father is eligible but refuses to have the vaccine. Too bad my sister cannot trade places with him.


Out of respect for the OP, please stick to the original question and not derail by asking off-topic questions.

@njsue thanks so much for that info!
Husbandā€™s arm got sore around 8-11pm, he had his vaccine at 10:00am, yesterday, said today it half as sore.
So far so good,

I hope others have minimal discomfort.


I just received this link through a NJ gov notification:

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My first Pfizer dose was about a month ago now. I was fatigued for a few days afterwards, but it was just after Xmas as well. After the second dose, I also had fatigue toward evening and could not stay awake as long as I usually do. My arm was sore for about 36 hours after each.

Thank you, thank you ā€¦wonderful

Had 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday. First shot just sore arm. This shot, absolutely nothing! Hopefully they didnā€™t give me saline!


@Gumbymom is there any way you could have contracted Covid earlier? I am hearing that the reaction you had after the first shot is one reported by some people who have had Covid.

Iā€™m glad that you had a better reaction after the second.

@skieurope would it be ok if there was a separate post about vaccine reluctance?

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Yes. But if it becomes anti-vaxxer debate, it wonā€™t last long.

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My father had covid in the fall and did not have any reaction when he got his shot a few weeks ago. So not sure there is any relationship.

My mother is scheduled for her second Pfizer on Monday. I doubted our county would follow through with an email to schedule the second, but they proved me wrong. Email came, and after a few clicks, the appointment was scheduled!

Mom did not feel well at all after her first; she is not looking forward to the second. I offered her to stay at my home for a couple of days, but she said she would see how she feels. I think she would rather be in her own bed.


Now on the vaccine registry in 2 different states:

  1. my home state where Iā€™m too young and too healthy to be in the 1B group currently being vaccinated (You need to be over 75 or have a qualifying health condition) I probably wonā€™t get a registration code for another 2+ months
  2. the state where D1 lives (since Iā€™ll be returning there to help out with childcare next week while she works evenings & weekends in the ED) Her state allows anyone 65 or older to qualify for vaccinations in the current round. She & her DH are sitting on their computers today trying to get me an appointment. (Hopefully at the mass vaccination site thatā€™s within walking distance of their house!) D1 is also putting me on the preferred standby list at the hospitals where she works for so I can get an unused dose if people donā€™t show for their scheduled appointment. (She said if her colleagues can get their thirty-something spouses vaccinated via the standby list then her 65 year old mother who actually qualifies for vaccination ought to be able to also.)

D1 and D2 (both physicians ) have had their first and second vaccinations
D1 had the Modera vaccine; D2 had the Pfizer. Neither had any side effects other than a sore arm.


Good luck. Hope you get vaccinated.

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Let me add that on day 2-3 the site was a little itchy. Swelling was gone by day 4. From what I read this is one of the side effect of the Moderna vaccine. Some develop a ā€œcovid armā€ where a rash develops after a few days. According to reports thereā€™s no need to be alarmed.

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I had a rash reaction to the Shingrix shot. It was really itchy! Iā€™d rather have the chills!

This morning my husband and I woke up to email confirmation for our second dose on Monday. Then a little later we each got an automated phone reminder and a text message. We were working on something in the garage and couldnā€™t reach the phones in time but could hear mine go off and then his, and then mine and his again. All that buzzing and binging !

We are looking forward to getting this done! My mom still hasnā€™t been contacted and now California is having Blue Cross take over so I hope she doesnā€™t lose her place in line.


Doctor advice here is Tylenol is fine to take because it has no anti-inflammatory effect. Do not take ibuprofen or any NSAID (Aleve comes to mind).

Received my first Moderna dose last weekend in my dominant arm. I figured I would be moving that arm around more which would help with soreness. Day two, I had some itching/burning and soreness at the injection site but no other noticeable symptoms. By the third day, the soreness was gone and I felt completely fine.


Thatā€™s what I had thought/heard until I talked a friend of mine who works at a NJ hospital. She told me everyone at her hospital took Motrin after the shot.