So....who has had a covid vaccine?

H gets his tomorrow at the hospital he works at. It will be the Pfizer one. He is thrilled!


D received hers today and felt good to be vaccinated the same day as Dr. Fauci. :smiley: She’s very happy, as am I. She reported no pain at all. SIL gets his next week.

I wish her hospital had extra vaccines available for family members. I would send H first, but I would be thrilled to get started.


Got my vaccination yesterday, and have had a mildly sore arm. No other side effects. Very grateful for this vaccine.


Forgot to add that the CDC has a program called V-Safe. You sign up online after you get your vaccine and every day you get a text to check in and report how you’re feeling. It’s silly but I like getting my daily text.
Our hospital had hoped to start giving the Moderna vaccine as our Pfizer allocation is used. We haven’t gotten it yet.
I’ve been very happy with how our hospital has handled it. It seems like some of the big Boston hospitals are having issues.


My brother, a doctor (oncologist) who sees patients in the hospital, though not COVID patients (knowingly anyway) got the shot yesterday. I am SO HAPPY!!


I got the Pfizer vaccine 28 hours ago. Aside from very mild swelling at injection site and a sore shoulder, I feel fine. Shot #2 1/11/2021!


My husband and I both got ours today at the county health department where one of the hospital’s he works for is located. When the woman called him yesterday to schedule him, he asked if I could get one at the same time as I also worked in a medical clinic. She was happy to allow me to come, so we both received Moderna.

Mildly sore arm, less than a flu shot. I have neck issues due to again disk, so feel a bit there; this happened after my flu shot also, but went away after a day.


One DIL got hers today. She is a psychologist, but works in a hospital.


Notified I should get mine before the end of the year (dentist) but haven’t received a specific date/time. Ironically, my staff are hedging and I have no leverage to mandate them receiving it.
HepB - we have to get but not this? Curious


@Cavitee, other than the physicians, no one else in my clinic has any interest in getting the vaccine. This same group also does not get flu shots, even though we receive them free in the office and give to patients. We do hope to get the Moderna soonish for staff and patients; curious if any will decide to get it with some strong suggestions from the physicians.

Has anyone else had theirs not in their own hospital? I found it odd that at the health department, other than completing the questionnaire in advance and emailing it to the coordinator, we were not asked to show ID or medical badges. I could have said I was anyone and made an appointment; we won’t even see a patient in our clinic without a picture ID.

I had mine yesterday, Pfizer. I am a Physical Therapist who works for a hospital owned home care company. I did not feel the shot at all! My arm is a little sore, not as much as with the flu vaccine. Second dose January 12.


My sister, who is a doctor at a hospital in San Francisco, got the vaccine yesterday.


Saw my cardiologist Wed. morning. She was getting her vaccine that afternoon. The hospital with which she’s affiliated is already sending pts to other facilities because they are getting so slammed with Covid.

Friend of S1’s who’s a pulmonary/internal med resident at a NYC hospital that was very hard hit this spring got her vaccine Monday. Posted it on Insta.


SIL got his Saturday, is a fellow in Pulmonology and Critical Care. Daughter who is a surgeon got hers Tuesday. Neither had any side affects.


My S who is a paramedic employed by a hospital health care system, got the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. His wife is also a paramedic, employed by the county. They have ordered the Moderna vaccine. She is trying to get pregnant so answered “maybe” on the questionnaire they received to plan for the roll-out (wanted to speak with her doctor first and get more info.) Now she hears that they only ordered enough vaccines for the “yes” group. She is hoping to take the spot of a colleague who has since changed his mind about getting the vaccine.

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My daughter is also trying to get pregnant and she was told it was okay to get the vaccine. This was at a top academic hospital in Boston.

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Yes, D1 also has a baby in mind and apparently Fauci said this sort of vaccine should not affect pregnancy. But?

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If she is not yet pregnant and is being offered the vaccine now as a health care worker, would it make more sense to delay attempting getting pregnant for 3 weeks to get the vaccine first, rather than get pregnant first and have extra worry about COVID-19 for another 9 months if she does not want to get the vaccine while pregnant?

Also Michael Osterholm discusses the vaccine and pregnancy in his latest podcast (episode 37). As you probably know, he is on the Biden COVID taskforce and an eminent epidemiologist.


I started this thread to see who was getting Covid vaccines
either members of this forum, or others they know who are in the queue.

I did NOT start it as a Covid vaccine debate thread or even a thread to question decisions others have made.

Please, can you stick to the topic. I would hate to see this thread closed because some posters think it’s Covid vaccine central. That was never my intent.