Social Life at University of Arizona in honors college?

I’m from the Midwest and I applied to UA. I was accepted into the honors college, but am worried about what the social atmosphere will be like. I’m fairly studious and not a huge partier, but I still like to have fun and will want to make at least some friends. I don’t usually have trouble fitting in, but I’m concerned about making friends because of the school’s reputation, and I don’t want to be surrounded by people who just are there to party. If I were to live in the honors dorms, would I be able to find a good social atmosphere that is still focused on academics?

I doubt you will have any problems, Greek life is the centre of ‘party life at UA’, if you dont want that then you will be fine. The newest honors dorm Arbol, is in the SW corner of campus with good access to University with shops and eateries galore, great access to downtown with the light rail. There are as many types of students as there are students at UA, lots who do party and more that don’t, lots of clubs, activities, sports and more you will have lots of choices, I would recommend Freshman Class Council (FCC) great setup and lots of legacy, a top choice in my book. Arbol is a great dorm also, Yuma is a fine older honors dorm, you will love it. message me if you have any Q’s.

OP, my D has the same concerns as you! Accepted to Honors College as well, very studious, and not interested in the college party life. Like @Englishman said, I’m sure you will find others like you!

Arbol is actually a good community and people are friendly. I’ve only heard good things about Arbol. They do alcohol sweeps of rooms to keep it academic, not sure how often. Greek life requires a lot of time and not everyone is offered a bid to join - I think it’s only 50%.

My D is going. Not into parties. Majoring in Physics and Astronomy. Planning to live in Arbol. Looking for a room mate.