Social life for the nondrinker

<p>So I've just been accepted into UM the other day! But I've read stories about it being a party school where drinking/ clubbing is the main aspect of social life. The problem is... I'm allergic to alcohol. So for those of you who dont drink and go to UM, whats the social life like?</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshmen at Miami and while she is not allergic, she does not party and thinks alcohol smells like the doctor’s office. She lives on one of the substance free floors which are very popular at Miami. There are lots of kids there like you and her, who do not party but still want to have fun.</p>

<p>She is having a blast at Miami! There are lots of free activities put on by the U and so many clubs and service groups to join. There is the beach and the diving club, sporting events, concerts, movies, etc.</p>

<p>The clubbing reputation is WAY overblown. Yes, some kids do go clubbing, but it is expensive and most find other ways to have fun. </p>

<p>The U is a great place and I am sure you will love it. Congrats!</p>

<p>I agree with SVMMom there are plenty of non-alcohol things to do, and plenty of people who don’t drink.</p>

<p>But one thing is there is a “party atmosphere” at Miami especially in Hecht but it can easily be avoided and I personally don’t drink all that much at Miami</p>

<p>Stanford is the quieter dorm, where kids are more into studying. That is also where there are four substance free floors. Try to get onto one of those floors and you will easily find like-minded kids.</p>

<p>This topic has been discussed hundreds of times so I’d advise looking through the forum if you want a little more info. But there is plenty of stuff to do that doesn’t involve drinking - this coming from a person who has never imbibed recreationally in his life.</p>

<p>I don’t drink either. I am also allergic to cigarette smoke and I just choose not to smoke anything else. I’m not much of a partier, but I do enjoy going to clubs. I just don’t drink and I still have so much fun. I’m hoping to go to UM next year and I plan to get involved in clubs and sports so I’m sure that will be fun… plus going to sporting events =]</p>