Social Life

I’m thinking about attending Alabama next year on the presidential scholarship. I would like to party and have a social life, but I don’t want to join a fraternity. Is this possible? Are there parties outside of greek life?

Of course! Although the Greeks are extremely visible because of the big houses, only 1/3 of the student body is Greek. That leaves 2/3 that are NOT Greek. College students seem to have little problem finding a party! There are a number of ways to connect with other students. One way is the Camp 1831 and a volunteer week (can’t remember the name of it) for freshmen/new students the week before classes begin. The university hosts a “Get on Board Day” for students soon after each semester’s classes begin. Every organization has representatives there to talk with students, hand out info and sign them up. In addition, some of the apartment complexes plan party events for residents. If you’re in engineering, you might want to join Theta Tau, a coed group that isn’t really Greek but functions like one with organized events that, I understand, are very party-like. If you are friendly and put yourself out there, you should have no problem.

I personally know of two people who partied their way out of their Presidential scholarships and had to go back home. Neither were in a fraternity. Yes the fraternities are a big presence on campus but by no means all of it!

UA is not really a huge party school like some of the Big 10 are, but it’s large enough you can always find a party if you good looking for one.

^ lol…gotta love auto-correct!