Social life?

<p>Hi--my son is considering RIT as a comp sci major. He's heard great things about the academics and really likes the co-op idea a lot (he also likes Drexel U in Philly for that reason). </p>

<p>The only thing he's a little leery of is the reports he's read about 'not much to do' at RIT, and that there is not much of a social scene. He's not a 'party guy' but is looking forward to some expanded social opportunities in college.</p>

<p>If you had any thoughts on this subject, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!</p>

<p>My girlfriend is currently a freshman at RIT. She absolutely loved the CO-OP options and that is why she decided to go there. She says that there IS SOCIAL LIFE you just have to not lock yourself in your room and play video games all day. There are a lot of great clubs and groups to get involved in and the nearby area has a lot of things to do. She thinks it's a great place.</p>

<p>Oh and also, your son will have amazing opportunites being linked to RIT. If he succeeds and does well, the networking is absolutely amazing!!!</p>

<p>That's great to hear, grantortue. I didn't want to only rely on the single report on a 'college review' website re: the social life. Appreciate it!</p>

<p>My son is a third-year art student at RIT. He's very happy there and has lots of friends. </p>

<p>One good source of information about life on campus, both positive and negative, is the weekly student magazine - Reporter</a> Online</p>

<p>A belated thanks, jdsmom! Appreciate it.</p>

<p>Hey, I am a first year computer science major at R.I.T. Last year when applying, i had the same concerns about R.I.T. By the expanded social oppurtunities ill assume you mean the typical college experience of fun partying etc. Here at R.I.T. believe it or not it is possible to find parties. There is stuff to do at R.I.T. you just have to be open minded and willing to search. There is a great gym which i often go to with friends to either workout or play sports. Nas(a famous rapper) is coming to perform in january. During weekends there are parties however you usually have to search for them until you get the hang of where they are. There wont be crazy parties here every day of the week, but it is possible to find them on thursday, friday and saturday if you know where to look. Unlike regular colleges though it is possible to walk in the cold for an hour on a saturday night and find no party, but you typically can find at least 1 party per weekend no matter what. </p>

<p>To sum it up, even though i know R.I.T. is not a typical college experience ive enjoyed it. So far i’ve made some good friends, and had some very memorable times. Plus when I get out I will be very prepared with working experience. :)</p>

<p>oh and if your son really wants to party more frequently and go to better parties, he can always join a frat. I have a few friends who have joined frats and love it. </p>

<p>also the only real thing i can complain about is the ratio. if your son does go into c.s. prepare him to see very few girls. try to apply for housing as early as possible so he can get placed on a co-ed floor!!</p>

<p>if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.</p>

<p>Thanks, krailol–just saw your response! Appreciate it! Didn’t really want son going into to a 24/7 party-party atmosphere, but understand his desire for balance. I’ll mention the idea re: co-ed floors, thanks for that tip!</p>