Hi Everyone:
I am in the mixt of preparing my boarding school application. I am a social media figure with a following of over 20,000. I am afraid to admit something like that in my application. Should that be acknowledged?
Please help.
Why are you afraid to reveal that?
Depending on the content, it will likely have neither a positive or negative effect on your application. It’s your choice whether or not to include.
I would think that your social media persona would be important. If you’re a “social media figure” because of a controversial perspective or something painfully superficial etc, those might impact an AO’s opinion. If you’re a social media figure for saving the rain forests or something, that would be a plus. But it’s best not to listen to me, when I was your age, we were just getting our first color TV.
Here’s a really good rule of thumb: Have you posted anything that you wouldn’t want your grandparents to see? Then you probably don’t want to have the admissions staff looking at it, either. 
That’s not to say that all AOs are conservative as many grandparents… but, I think you get my point.
Also, I don’t think it’s required that you share your social media with AO’s or write it in your application…
I think it depends on what you post and how you earned your following. Our DD was impressed by a kid at a Revisit who had a HUGE social media following for her Instagram feed, which consisted solely of her own original artwork.
If it’s dank memes I bet Andover would like it. As long as they’re not too “savage,” they should be fine. A lot of schools are looking for kids with a good sense of humor, and a meme page is some easy proof. Also, could you PM me (or post) the link? Idk I bet I’d like to check it out.
@KnightsDude Sent u a private message. that message is 100% accurate.
@cameo43 its mostly phorography: i post mine and others. i also post a bit about mylife. idk.
@ThacherParent thanks for the advice. i post in the mixt of photography & promote brands. for example, the preservation of marine life.
@AppleNotFar its not like im hiding anything. i promote brands and show my photography and others.
Sounds like it can’t hurt at worst, and might help at best. I think my vote is to include it if it helps the AO’s know you more fully in a meaningful way. Which this sounds like it could. Good luck, and congrats on the following!
@applenotfar Thanks. I agree.