
<p>If one enters college as sophomore will he/she have hard time socializing with incoming Freshmen?(not because of
grade difference but simply because of class difference)</p>

<p>If you are friendly and participate in campus events that interest you then you should have no difficulty. Attend Week of Welcome events and Get on Board Day. </p>

<p>According to your other thread you’re still a first your college student. The sophomore status is nice for many things, however, please consider yourself a first-year student. Many students have sophomore status their first year, especially those whose parents have been here on CC for years. Enjoy First Year Programs, Honors College events, etc. you will find that most Honors College students are also quite advanced, yet still just beginning their college years. </p>



<p>Not sure what you mean. You will be an incoming frosh no matter what. what class difference? I would bet that most/nearly all Presidential scholarship and UA scholar recipients have soph/jr standing at frosh.</p>

<p>This isn’t like high school, where you’re in a particular grade. My D is a rising junior with over 120 credits (the amount generally required to graduate). I don’t think most people she knows at school have any clue (or care) how many credits she has or that DegreeWorks has been classifying her as a senior since the beginning of last year. There are many students who come in with a LOT of credits (UA is particularly generous with AP, CLEP, placement, etc.). I don’t think it has any effect on their social lives. There were some 100 and 200 level classes that my D didn’t need to take because she had credit for them, so she missed out on having a few classes with freshmen, but with a school as large as UA, she wasn’t going to have class with the vast majority of freshmen anyway. And there were still freshmen in most of the classes she did take (I think the exception was Racquetball, where everyone but D was a senior). A student coming in with lots of credit isn’t unique. I wouldn’t worry about this at all.</p>



<p>My kid has the Presidential and he will be coming in with only freshman status, even though he’s taken a lot of advanced coursework in high school. So he’s probably more in the minority than @paul2752 as far as honors students go. </p>

<p>His school doesn’t offer AP classes and teaches everything at an advanced level, with accelerated sections offered in several subjects, many of which my son has completed. Still he’s going to be conservative and retake calculus since that’s what the mechanical engineering representatives we met with recommended for engineers in general, and he wants to get off to a strong start. He’s going to take the honors sections of as many courses as possible and then just let the chips fall where they may.</p>

<p>In college (as I recall) most classes have a mix of students in them. Upperclassmen will be fulfilling requirements with younger students majoring in that particular subject. </p>

<p>Students have different goals and objectives in college. Some want to get in and out as quickly as possible, for financial and career reasons. Others, like my son, choose a school like UA because the generous scholarships allow him to enjoy four full years of the college experience and gives him some time and space to figure out what he wants to do with his life!</p>

<p>Yeah, to reiterate that point, I’m coming in on a Presidential but only have 21 hours. </p>

<p>Is it common that there is a mix of freshmen and sophomore in one class?</p>

<p>For some classes it would be very common. For others (such as EN101 - freshman composition), not so much. I’m sure there are some classes with students of every classification. </p>

<p>Few classes, like Freshman Comp and HYO (Honors First Year), are restricted to freshmen only. You will certainly have a mix in classes that also meet the General Ed requirements of the school.</p>

<p>what classes are you concerned with? and what is the concern. college is not high school.</p>

<p>you are an incoming frosh with a number of ap credits…just like many other honors students.</p>

<p>You have to take frosh comp, since you dont have ap credits. </p>

<p>Yes, there are a mix of students in some classes…which ones concern you?</p>

<p>I was kind of thinking like a high school…but it seems like it was silly.</p>

<p>If it’s a mix of students, then It will be fine. Thanks</p>