Some people are satisfied with their heights, others are not.

<p>You guys can ask who is satisfied. I'll just sit in my corner with all the answers.</p>

<p>But it IS so interesting. It reveals so much about their personality and self-concept. Cant u understand??</p>

<p>Is this like a Smeagol/Gollum thing?</p>

<p>Personality’s boring. Let’s play Grand Theft Auto instead.</p>

<p>Maybe you’re trying to hard with these threads… You had a quality ■■■■■ account man, best one I’ve ever seen. You don’t need to come up with thread after thread, let the ideas come to you. One good ■■■■■ thread is better than 50 lame ones.</p>

<p>We’re two different people, so don’t blame him for me. ;)</p>