<p>Another column in the Crimson from Brian Goldsmith that, IMO, is right on the money. I figured this time he deserved his own thread. Favorite quote:</p>
<p>"And so we are left with what one professor described to me as 'Larrys personality problem.' Rumors and gossip abound on this subjectand most sound like they came straight from a middle school cafeteria: Larry ignored me while I was talking, Larry was mean to me at lunch, Larry made fun of my idea, Larry excluded me."</p>
<p>Second favorite quote:</p>
<p>"A new book is even devoted to these anecdotes. Harvard Rules is an anti-Summers polemic written by Richard Blowwho was so embarrassed after cashing in on his late friend John Kennedy Jr.s death that he actually changed his last name to Bradley."</p>
<p>"While most professors say they had made up their minds before the faculty meeting, some speculated that the outcome could have been different if the afternoon had unfolded differently.</p>
<p>Some Summers critics said they were very offended by the president's defenders, especially Stephan Thernstrom, who said the vote of no-confidence reminded him of McCarthyism. Thernstrom also criticized Nancy Hopkins, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who walked out on Summers's Jan. 14 talk."</p>
<p>Could Summers' CC defenders (who have taken strong positions and refused to acknowledge wrongdoing) be causing the same effect here?</p>