Quick Hits:
Three words to describe yourself:
Favorite subject:<br>
Role model:
Favorite musical performer/band:<br>
Most prized possession:
Favorite summer activity:<br>
Last book you read for pleasure:
Best movie of all time:
Favorite quote:
Dream job:
I’ll start:
Three words to describe yourself: Activist, Eccentric, Obsessive
Favorite subject: History<br>
Role model: Lance Armstrong
Favorite musical performer/band: My Chemical Romance<br>
Most prized possession: Ipod
Favorite summer activity: Cycling<br>
Last book you read for pleasure: Hegemony or Survival by Noam Chomsky
Best movie of all time: Pulp Fiction
Favorite quote: “If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.” -Che Guevara
Dream job: Sports Illustrated Writer
<p>Quick Hits:</p>
<p>Three words to describe yourself:
Favorite subject: Math
Role model:Dad
Favorite musical performer/band: Led Zeppelin or Thrice
Most prized possession: my cd collection
Favorite summer activity: getting extra sleep
Last book you read for pleasure: The Abolition Of Man by C.S. Lewis
Best movie of all time: The Shawshank Redemption or The Big Lebowski
Favorite quote: "To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is research" by i forget who
Dream Job: Owner of the LA Dodgers or Lakers or both(why not while were dreaming)</p>
<p>Three words to describe yourself: Charming, Coniving, Friendly
Favorite subject: Kissing As*
Role model: Jennifer Lopez
Favorite musical performer/band:Britney and/or Madonna just for the show they put on.
Most prized possession:I have no idea, I don't value things to much.
Favorite summer activity: Sleeping In
Last book you read for pleasure: guide on investing
Best movie of all time: Breakfast At Tiffany's
Favorite quote:"haven't you heard, rich girls don't marry poor boys"
Dream job: Wife to a Billionaire</p>