<p>It would be so cool to meet everyone from this forum come april. or august. </p>
<p>yeah... this thread really has no point, but no one else is talking... How's everyone doing?</p>
<p>It would be so cool to meet everyone from this forum come april. or august. </p>
<p>yeah... this thread really has no point, but no one else is talking... How's everyone doing?</p>
<p>I'm doing fine, you? So glad I got accepted early. Time to catch up on personal reading.</p>
<p>Well I ate something that made me sick to my stomach. </p>
<p>What are you reading? Ishmael.. good book.</p>
<p>I'm doing so much better than fine :)
time to have fun AT LAST after this crazy semester.
The only thing that worries me is the total lack of motivation to do my best with all the IB *<strong><em>s and *</em></strong>ties I'll have to cope with after Christmas :D</p>
<p>Good point... Now sure I'm going to deal with that. I still have a lot of apps for scholarships to fill out though.</p>
<p>ib keeps me very busy.</p>
<p>Whats teh diff b/t ib and ap</p>
<p>yay! another IB slave :D </p>
<p>but honestly, ib can't even keep me motivated, not to mention busy ;) </p>
<p>and the difference? no idea, never taken APs (not like we have them), but if youre doing the whole IB diploma there are more things that classes, like CAS or Extended Essay to write and stuff, so it's supposed to be more time-consuming</p>
<p>IB's alright, I'm more relaxed now so work seems to be getting easier (if that even make any sense). alot of exams coming up so I won't be able to go for the april one for sure. see you guys there in august!</p>
<p>aw.. thats' a shame... yeah at least we'll eventually see each other... speaking of which has anyone realized that we could meet face to face in a few months?</p>
<p>if anything gets organized by ourselves right now on cc, yes. i'm all for it.</p>
<p>well... Just be cool to match usernames with faces in August... Maybe during some free hour we'll plan to head down to JJ and pick a table where we will meet... Just a thought, it doesn't have to be JJ or anything... but meeting is cool I thought.</p>
<p>If you guys want to meet other future Columbians, join the Columbia 2010 MySpace group ... we're bonding like ions here. </p>
<p><a href="http://groups.myspace.com/columbia2010%5B/url%5D">http://groups.myspace.com/columbia2010</a></p>
<p>[/shameless plug]</p>
<p>ha i'm thinking someone should print out all the threads (all the important ones anyway) and we'll see who posted what. that'd be fun.</p>
<p>omg.... YES! Print out evvveeerrryyytttthhhhhiiinngg. We'll bring it and some food and make a picnic out of it. ooookkk getting carried away.</p>
<p>lol. i'm not going to do all of it.</p>
<p>i call im not printer person. but i'll bring a treat to the picnic....</p>
<p>fine... we'll take like a coupel threads each... some stupid lottery to determine who gets to pick threads in what order.</p>
<p>It would be cool to put faces to these screen names, but printing out all of the threads seems a bit excessive. I would hesitate to call any thread important.</p>
<p>On another note, is pretty much everyone in the MySpace group? I have yet to sell my soul to MySpace, but I'm contemplating it to meet fellow incoming Columbians.</p>
<p>lol... I know what you mean about selling your soul. Bottom line is that I refuse to put up with myspace. I perfer facebook. Besides that's what everyone will use in college anyway. Its cleaner and more about relationship building.</p>