Soph dorm suggestions

<p>My son is a freshman in Galileo. He wants to stay on campus next year. He doesn't party so looking for something on the quiet end, preferably with other sophomores. Any suggestions, or places to avoid?</p>

<p>Unless something has changed since I was on campus in 2012, there’s no dorm with strictly sophomores. I stayed in Payne (suite style) and had friends in New Hall West (private rooms). Most older kids go out to parties or go downtown so it wasn’t a huge issue for me. It actually was more loud on the floor I was on when people were in their suites watching VT Football or playing video games - but that was only noticeable with the suite door open. If it was closed and I was in my room (not in the living room), I really couldn’t hear much aside from my suitemates. The most party noise I would hear would be outside of the window (which is true in a lot of dorms) when people are coming back from parties.</p>

<p>I believe that Galileo encourages students to remain in the program after their Freshman year. So, why not stick with Lee dorm? I’m sure your son has ideas as well. Since there is a significant turnover of residents from one year to the next I’m not sure how well anyone can predict whether neighbors will be quiet or rowdy.</p>

<p>West AJ should have a good number of sophomore students. The current freshman students signed a two-year agreement. My S was in Galileo for his first year and moved into West AJ for his second year. The building is very nice. It was recently renovated so it has many nice features that the older dorms do not offer. The layout of the floors and the arches throughout the hallways, I think, keep the noise level lower than in many other residence halls. I was disappointed that the room size was smaller than the rooms in Lee Hall. West AJ offers many programs and amenities.</p>