Sorority Recruitment Week Survival Kit

<p>Sorority Recruitment Week Tote Survival Kit (with thanks to GreekChat.Com)
Sturdy Tote (Waterproof and closing. These are left on lawn, guarded by Rho Chi and not seen by Sororities)
Paper or battery-powered fan
Compact umbrella and/or plastic parka
Shade hat
Towel to sit on or dry if rain
Band aids for blisters
Pain reliever
NOTEBOOK and pen and/or Greek Chic
Safety pins
Fashion tape
Breath mints
Wisps/brush picks for teeth
Small mirror
Oil blotting sheets/coffee filters for face
Lip gloss
Misting spray
Hair brush
Hair elastics
Drinking water
Non-fiber snack bars :-0</p>

<p>Allergy meds
Feminine Hygiene products
Dry shampoo
Travel-size d3eoderant
Tide-to-go stick
Anti-chafe cream
Needle and thread
Clear nail polish and polish in your shade to repair nicks
Emory board
Blister block
Hand sanitizer
Throat spray
Earring backs
Emergency info card/medical insurance card
Bobbi pins
And Ziplock bags to organize the above and to keep items dry in case of rain</p>

<p>i like lists ;-)</p>

<p>Add “wrinkle release spray” to bag</p>

<p>Yes, band aids!</p>

<p>TXA, got us a gig. We make and sell totes full of all things that will be needed. I’ve got someone that can embroidery the totes. We well custom totes already packed with the essentials. </p>

<p>We seriously could pay for college tuition, hotel in Tuscaloosa (heck, we buy a house), travel expenses to/from Tuscaloosa, etc. from the profits.</p>

<p>Next year! </p>

<p>And I can paint a mean cooler, too!!!</p>

<p>I hope the girls have good weather this year!</p>

<p>Add the Band-Aid anti-friction stick, blister band-aids, and liquid bandaid.</p>

<p>These are going to have to be BIG BAGS!</p>

<p>Maybe the Premium “Big Al” versions should have rollers.</p>

<p>Maybe we could also offer the bare necessities version that only contains a few multi-purpose items:
Scotch tape: hem skirts/pants, band aid, blister band aid, lint remover, makes an emergency earring back in a pinch, etc
Duct Tape: hem skirts/pants, water proofs the inside of the bag when applied, creates cleavage when needed, keeps “girls” in place, etc
Kleenex: wipes tears, blots face, etc
Water: drink, clean hands, etc
Hairspray: for hair, static, and can keep skirts/shorts down when sprayed on backside.</p>

<p>add xanax to the list.</p>

<p>I’m all about making a MOM kit, all it needs is a box of kleenex, a shoulder to cry on, and a BOX of wine!!</p>

<p>TxNewCollegeMom…Do you have pictures of your sorority recruitment survival kits you sell…or a website you could direct me to. Thanks</p>

<p>Amen. Fans, fans, and more fans…and water…and Xanax (great idea, Mike! for the moms.)DD said it was “so hot” and it really wasn’t even “hot” this August.</p>

<p>@sparmum5 - I don’t believe she has kits for sale. It’s just a list of suggestions for a kit you can compile.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply!</p>