Sorry but I have to know

<p>I know its a reach, but chance for ED at dartmouth?
I go to an elite northeast prep school with a longstanding relationship with Dartmouth.</p>

<p>GPA: (no 4.0 scale) is an 84, but thats misleading. I had a 78 both semesters my freshman year (I came from a public middle school so it was a big adjustment), 85 both semesters sophomore year, 87 and then a 90 junior year. My mid semester grade was a 91.2, which puts me in the top 15% of my grade. My school usually sends 30% of its graduates to IVYs or comparable institutions.</p>

<p>Course load: 4 APs senior year (AB Calc, Physics B, Chem, English Lit). Lit is particularly special because there are only 30 or 40 kids a year who get in from my school.</p>

<p>Test Scores: 790 CR, 780 M, 690 W, 33 ACT, 770 Math 2 subject test, 720 Lit subject test (all first take)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: 4 years varsity wrestling, corridor monitor (hall proctor, RA for boarding school, ect. ect.--its a fairly big deal), admissions council (not a huge deal), I worked for a construction company every year since the summer after freshman year</p>

<p>Everyone has told me my essay is really good. I tried to make it fairly original and I think i succeeded, so that should help. I think my recommendations should be a factor: my teachers tend to love me. if i forgot anything let me know. Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>grade not so good, are you top 5% or just top 15%? if you are just top 15%, then not so good also.</p>

<p>top 10 or 15 but the top third of my grade tends to go to schools that are comparable to Dartmouth, so the kids who had my average all four years are looking at HYPS</p>