Sorry c/o 2010, but you're not going to get away with it!

<p>The folks at CollegeBoard recently announced that they're going to allow students to choose which SAT scores they send to colleges. Yale, however has stated that they're not going to support this new development, citing the differences in testing opportunities between applicants of disparate socioeconomic brackets.</p>

<p>Yale</a> Daily News - Yale to require all SAT scores</p>

<p>My only question is: How will Yale prevent applicants from only sending one score? It's not like they will know that you're hiding your other scores (unless it says somewhere on the score report how many times a particular applicant has taken the test). Also, Yale says it superscores... so why would it matter anyway if applicants are just sending in their best results? If anything, it should allow the admissions staff to do their job more easily.</p>

<p>Oh look! Turns out I actually answered a few of my own questions by reading this supplementary article!!! </p>

<p>[Yale</a> Daily News - No choice on scores](<a href=“]Yale”></p>



<p>And this quote is actually extremely enlightening!!! Watch out multiple SAT takers!</p>



<p>How would they find out if they’ve taken the test multiple times o_0?</p>

<p>Two options, I think:

  1. when selecting non-score choice schools, you might only have the option to send ALL scores
  2. or the report they send may indicate “score choice used” or something to that effect.</p>