<p>Yeah, My computer got fried and I lost the email thanks to Outlook Express. Can someone copy paste me the part on the email where it says what to bring? Thanks!</p>
<p>Im sorry, theres an identical post like, half a page down. Uhh, sorry?</p>
<p>Anyways, I dont think they let you delete posts soo...</p>
<p>in case anyone else needs it...</p>
<p>This is what you should bring, according to the e-mail confirmation you should have received:</p>
<p>Program Confirmation
Any info sent to you from your College or School
Any documents requested by FinAid Office or any paperwork you have questions about
Your CalNet ID and passphrase (to register for classes)
review the online schedule of classes
a general catalog (can be purchased at program)
pen, pencil, and paper to take notes
a photo ID (driver's or state) for Cal 1 Card</p>
<p>For your comfort:
A backpack to bring belongings
comfortable shoes
a sweater or jacket</p>
<p>For res hall:
alarm clock
pajamas and a bathrobe (you will be sharing a room)
bedding and towels will be provided in the residence halls</p>