Spanish in College Admissions

<p>Hey all. First time posting on CC! I'm 1/2 Hispanic (mother's side) from Spain, although I've been marking "white" and "non-Hispanic" my entire life because the US didn't have a clear definition for what constitutes as Hispanic when I was growing up. As a result, I am not a NHRP finalist (although I do have very good [2200+] SAT scores). I will be going by Hispanic on my college applications, but browsing some other threads makes it seem as though MA and PR are the most desired form of Hispanics. Will I also receive a boost in admissions from being from Spain, and if so, how much? It appears from other threads here that there seems to be a lack of "hard data" on non-MA/PR Hispanics, but does anyone have any anecdotal stories? Objectively, I have a good GPA, am a good athlete (though not recruitable to D1), and volunteer for my Hispanic community. My top choice college is Harvard!</p>

<p>Hi and welcome to the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>If your PSAT score and gpa qualifies for NHRP, there is still time to become a NHRP Scholar or Hon Mention. It doesn’t matter what you marked on the PSAT or what you are designated at your school, they know that the Hispanic category is confusing and that there is much misinformation about who is considered Hispanic. If you are recorded as non-Hispanic at your HS, I recommend that you have your parents correct that information as it may be on your transcript.</p>

<p>See the NHRP thread and the first post will take you to the website. There you will see that if you are at least 1/4 Hispanic (including Spain), then you qualify.</p>

<p>Also, on the last page of that thread you will see that it is not too late to send in your information. Call NHRP and then have your HS GC send in your information before Dec 1.</p>

<p>If you haven’t read it already, this thread addresses Spaniards and it contains a link to another thread that discusses the other factors that come into play within Hispanics:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you want anecdotal information, you might want to Search the old Results threads on the H subforum and see if any of the applicants were of Spanish descent (although many times people only state ‘Hispanic’, which is not too helpful).</p>

<p>Thank you! I will talk to my GC on Monday. It seems as though many do not realize that being from Spain is Hispanic - I doubt that it will carry any weight in the admissions process.</p>

<p>The way I look at it is that you just go about doing whatever you normally do, and if you get a little tip that’s great, you just don’t rely on it. Good luck and if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.</p>

<p>very good advice, it’s all i can do!</p>