spatial visualization

<p>My son has to take the spatial visualization test for engineering students. Does anyone know where he could find similar practice tests on-line, or how difficult the test is?</p>


<p>My son found the test pretty straight forward and easy. Basically, it shows shapes and then you need to determine what is the corresponding picuture rotated different ways. I am not aware of any practice test on-line. Absolute worse case scenario is he would need to take a 1 credit class during the fall to “get up to speed”. Sorry I can not be of more help.</p>

<p>If you get on the website with all the old tests/etc who’s name we can’t say (starts with a ‘koo’, ends with an ‘ers’) there are finals available for the one credit class. If you can pass that I assume you can pass the test.</p>

<p>Thanks Chuy, unfortunately i did not see any exams there.</p>

<p>Last year, my son found practice tests online. Try googling “Purdue Practice Spatial Visualization Tests”, and you should find some practice problems. That way, your son will at least have an idea of what the questions will be like.</p>

<p>My son took the test today and found it pretty easy. As bboop42 said, it was all rotating 3-D objects. Some other forms of spatial visualization questions he found on-line were much more difficult.</p>

<p>Congrats. I am sure he and you are both glad to have that done. Let me know if I can answer anymore questions from a “mom” point of view. Enjoy your summer.</p>