Special Reception- no parents?

I received an invitation to the UA Special Reception in Atlanta on October 20th, but it is an invitation for students and parents and I live in a different state from my parents so they would not be able to go and I am afraid of going alone. I would like to go but I am unsure of who I would take with me- would it be inappropriate to bring a friend/my SO?

You’re welcome to attend alone or with someone else. Plenty of students will be attending with their friends as parents can’t always make these meetings. Have you visited Atlanta by yourself before? UA’s receptions are generally hosted in very nice venues with lots of friendly people and great food.

Do you live there or would you have to travel there? If you can, go!

My husband and I are going with my daughter. If it is a matter of not wanting to be at the reception alone, we would be happy to have you sit with us.