<p>Does anyone know anything about it? It's part of the Parks, Recreation and Tourism degree program and you get an emphasis in Sports Management. University</a> of Utah College of Health : Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism : Sports Management Emphasis</p>
<p>I am a University of Utah student and am 100% committed to getting a job in sports management (Preferably on the college level). I'll likely go to grad school out of state and get a Masters from a school with a Sports Management/Administration program.</p>
<p>My dilemma is would I be better off getting a B.S. degree in something else from Utah (Business, Communication) and a Masters in Sports Management elsewhere? Since the program isn't very strong and is taught with PRT (Parks, Recreation and Tourism) classes, I'm not sure if it is worth getting since it would hold much clout. </p>
<p>Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.</p>