Spread between EFC and actual contribution

<p>For those who have received FA in the past, what was your spread between estimated and actual family contributions?</p>

<p>SSS indicates that "PFS as a starting point for their financial aid decisions," and I took it as the actual FA grant being somewhat different from the $$ figure derived from EFC. Since individual schools are likely to consider a different set of additional factors and have different FA budgets, it seemed reasonable.</p>

<p>Did you have to pay more than EFC, or less? For me, if schools simply use the EFC figure, then I should expect only a very small FA, if there will be any. I thought I could contribute about 50% of tuition and fees based on family income and assets, but if I have to pay in full, then I probably need to sell house, dig into retirement accounts, and break the piggy bank--all at once!</p>

<p>Thanks all for your input!</p>

<p>Sorry but I meant to post the above thread in the Parents forum but accidentally posted it here. I couldn’t delete the thread, so please use the same thread in the Parents forum:</p>

<p>[Spread</a> between EFC and actual contribution](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-parents/1440121-spread-between-efc-actual-contribution.html"]Spread”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-parents/1440121-spread-between-efc-actual-contribution.html)</p>