Spring 2015 Grades

It looks like the Spring 2015 grades are out. Anyone get theirs?

yes, my son got his today :slight_smile:

Yes, my son got his too.

How did everyone do? My son finished his second semester with a 3.966 accumulative GPA. He received his first B in his life… and in a 1 hour lab. He has 56 hours now and in Mechanical Engineering. He is a little disappointed, but we are still extremely proud of him. He also managed to land an Design Engineer summer internship. Hope everyone had a great semester.

All A’s here.

Whcivo01 – Yep, my daughter got the same B in the Chem lab. Haha Apparently, it is common but she was surprised and disappointed too. I told her she should get used to it because the next 3 years probably won’t always have all "a"s in them but it is great starting off with such a strong base GPA.

My son got a B in Engineering 112 and one in Chinese History (in his second minor). He was disappointed, but he still has a 3.84 after freshman year with 79 earned credits so far. He also finished his Math prerequisites with an A in Honors Differential Equations and his Physics prerequisites with an A in Electricity and Magnetism. (He took his AP Chemistry credits.) He is very excited about starting his Aerospace Engineering core classes in the fall.

Going into his final year with a 4.0… took a more challenging route on a couple of his classes- have to admit I thought he was nuts, but what do I know.

Just did the math for latin honors. If you take 120 units at A&M graded… all A’s would be 480 grade points. Summa Cum Laude is a 3.9-4.0 so you can NOT earn up to 12 grade points ( for 3 units courses, that’s 4 Bs or 2 Cs), Magna Cum Laude is 3.7-3.899 so you can not earn up to 36 grade points (for 3 units courses, that’s 12 Bs or 6 Cs), Cum Laude 3.5-3.699 so you can not earn up to 60 grade points ( for 3 units courses, that’s 20 Bs or 10 Cs). The more units you take at A&M, the more wiggle room you get. My S like many of his peers will have 119 graded units due to Kine having to be P/F, so he only gets 3, 11 and 19 courses… if it’s close I’ll suggest he takes a 1 unit course his final semester graded. Just thought I’d share the results. Never actually calculated up til now.

@Beaudreau My son will be taking Honors Differential Equations next semester. He decided to only use one of his AP math credits so he is only ahead by one semester. Which professor did your son have for Honors Differential Equations? My son and I researched a few before he decided to take the honors course.

@whciv01 My son had Josef Sifuentes. He said Professor Sifuentes was a “great teacher” and he “liked him a lot.”

Wow Agmom, I’m impressed that you have that all calculated. I have to remember to refer back in a year!

I was actually more amazed at the impact of the Kine course, really puts a kink in things- never understood why it HAD to be P/F - craziest rule ever! I wonder how many kids just missed the various cutoffs over the years since it in effect changes tiers by one full course.