Spring Rush?

<p>Im a freshman here at UA and i was contemplating doing spring rush. when do i found out what sororities are going to be doing spring rush and what is spring rush like?</p>

<p>It will be after spring semester starts. Sororities will have to see how many don’t return after first semester, after December graduation etc. It likely will be only two-three-four - something like that. Continuous Open Bidding (“spring rush”) is nowhere near like the big formal recruitment in August. There are no rounds, no parties, no bid day. You sign up at the Panhellenic office, and you may get a call or e-mail inviting you to, say, lunch or dinner at the house, or to meeting a small group of members for coffee, to come watch a move at the house or someone’s apartment. After two or three such gatherings, you may get a call or e-mail inviting you to join. It’s much more relaxed and casual than formal recruitment.</p>

<p>You may get invitations from all eligible groups…or you may not. Some sororities may only have two or three spaces to fill and they already have candidates in mind.</p>

<p>There is no definitive action to say they’re NOT inviting you to join. They just don’t invite you over any more. Sometimes there may be a week or two between invitations, so you may think you’ve been dropped but they’ve just been busy. In this way, COB is more confusing for candidates.</p>

<p>If you sign up and visit a house or two and decide not to pledge - no harm no foul. You can still sign up for recruitment next fall. Sororities will not “penalize” you in any way if you choose not to join this semester.</p>

<p>News on COB: I copied this from the UA Panhellenic site:</p>

<p>Alabama Panhellenic Association Open COB Process</p>

<p>Posted By: Greek Affairs, October 23, 2014 </p>

<p>The Alabama Panhellenic Association (APA) is excited to announce that Chapter Total has been raised to 360, allowing all 18 sororities to participate immediately in the Continuous Open Bidding (COB) process.</p>

<p>Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is the opportunity for any Panhellenic chapter that has not matched to quota in the formal recruitment process and/or is below Panhellenic total to pledge additional new members. All chapters are allowed during the regular school year (as defined by the academic calendar) to extend bids or offers of membership to unaffiliated women up to the designated Panhellenic Total number. COB enables the Panhellenic community to provide maximum opportunities for membership outside of the designated formal recruitment period and allows for system growth and parity.</p>

<p>Women interested in being considered for COB, should fill out a COB Interest Form and submit the completed form to the Office of Greek Affairs, which is located in Room 230 of the Ferguson Student Center. </p>


<p>I can understand how this is possible. If they raise chapter total this creates more slots. In addition, as Southlander points out, some girls graduate in December and some are freshman that do not return. From our high school there are a couple of kids that will be on their way home or to other colleges in state (Florida). My guess is that some kids are better than others at getting accustomed to new places and people. Also, many kids in Florida continue their high school relationships by attending college with the same people and this is important to them.</p>