Spring Transfer(Economics) Choosing Courses...

<p>So... I'm filling out the Life and Scienses Orientation and have so far chosen...</p>

<p>Econ 100A or Econ 100B
Stats 131A or Stats 134
Math 53</p>

<p>III don't know where to go from here... are there any more courses I can take or do I have to take a DECal?</p>

<p>I'm going the traditional Economics route and would like to somehow fit a minor in Mathematics or Operations Research and Management Science...</p>

<p>Can I/should I take 100A and 100B at the same time or 101A and 100B at the same time?.. I’m a Spring transfer, so I have some catching up to do…</p>

<p>If you are going down the math-track for econ, it might be helpful to take Math 53 and Math 54 at the same time because you are sort of a year and a half behind in math. Most people finish their lower-division math classes by the end of sophomore year.</p>

<p>If you plan to add a second major or minor in math or ORMS, you might as well do the more math version of economics (Economics 101A/B). Economics 100A/B versus 101A/B is an either/or choice. If you have not yet had the equivalent of Math 53, you can take Economics 101B, which lists only Math 1B and Economics 1 as prerequisites. Then you can take Economics 101A the following semester after completing Math 53.</p>

<p>ORMS is a capped major and does not have a minor. Math (pure or applied) is not a capped major and does have a minor (Math 104, 110, 113, 185, and one more upper division math course).</p>

<p>You can take Math 53, 54, and/or 55 concurrently if necessary.</p>

<p>Which math courses have you had already?</p>

<p>So far, I’ve taken the equivalents of Math 1A and Math 1B…</p>

<p>Econ 101B
Stats 131A or Stats 134
Math 53
Math 54</p>

<p>Can I handle that my first semester at Berkeley as a Spring admit? Hahaha…</p>

<p>Can I/should I take the Math courses as P/NP? III’ve never done that before…</p>

<p>If you plan to use any courses for your major, do not take them P/NP (unless they are offered only P/NP).</p>

<p>None of Economics 101B, Statistics 134, Math 53, or Math 54 is a lab course, so they should not be time consuming in the way that lab courses can be. However, math and applications of math better be something that you like and are good at if you choose such a schedule.</p>

<p>Since you won’t be at Berkeley until spring, is it too late to sign up for a multivariable calculus course (Math 53 equivalent) at a community college?</p>



<p>I was registered in a Multivariable Calculus course, but had to drop it because I couldn’t find any time to study for it… it was very disorganized… and if I received less than a C, my acceptance to Berkeley would be rescinded.</p>

<p>I’m currently studying for Math 53 through <a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw6pHhjhKmk[/url]”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw6pHhjhKmk&lt;/a&gt;, though.</p>

<p>So is </p>

<p>Econ 101B
Stats 131A or Stats 134
Math 53
Math 54</p>


<p>Should I take Stats 131A or Stats 134?</p>

<p>The schedule looks perfectly doable if you like and are good at math and applications of math.</p>

<p>Statistics 134 (and 135) is intended for statistics majors and those with a stronger math background, while Statistics 131A is for biology and social studies majors with a weaker math background and no intention of going further in statistics.</p>

<p>If you want to do ORMS or math-heavy economics, 134 is the better choice.</p>

<p>take 134 if possible. it opens a lot of doors for you in terms of courses you can take. Every single class that i’m taking this semester requires stat 134.</p>

<p>Alright, so</p>

<p>Econ 101B
Stats 134
Math 53
Math 54</p>

<p>Any suggestions for Phase I/Phase II?</p>

<p>I need Econ 101B and Stats 134 to apply to the Economics major.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, it does not appear that [Home</a> Page - Online Schedule Of Classes](<a href=“http://schedule.berkeley.edu%5DHome”>http://schedule.berkeley.edu) keeps archived schedules around so that you can see which courses were the most full last spring. The best you may be able to do is check the fall schedule to see which courses are most full, but fall enrollment patterns may differ from spring enrollment patterns.</p>

<p>Note that the honors version of a math course (e.g. Math H53) tends to be less full than the regular version of the math course. Of course, it will be a more difficult course heavier in theory and proofs.</p>