
<p>I'm going to assume it's pretty much spring everywhere now, it's been spring here for a few weeks.</p>

<p>Winter is, no doubt, my favorite season, and I really miss my snow/skiing.
...but there are some things about spring that I can't deny I love.</p>

<p>-I love leaving my window open at night
-I love taking the down comforter out of my duvet
-I love hearing the birds in the morning
-I love jumping into a freezing cold lake
-I love being able to sit in the grass and roll around
-I love sleeping outside
-I love that summer/no school is almost here
-I love that I can hang out with my friends
-I love when the sun doesn't rise at 9:30 AM & go down at 4:30 PM</p>

<p>add on...</p>

<li>cold showers</li>
<li>windows down, radio up</li>
<li>hanging out at the park</li>
<li>tennis matches</li>

<p>FLIP FLOPS!!!!!!!
And tanlines
and that spring-smell in the breezeÂ…you know what im talking about</p>

<p>yeah, but at the same time spring is the sign of yard work and a reminder that there's no AC in the attic and that you have to start working and go to summer programs in a few short weeks. (yeah i know, i'm a pessimist)</p>

<p>spring is the sign of finals and big projects.</p>

<p>then again, i like:
the cool breeze
how to sun goes down late in the evening with its pretty rosy fingers :)
being able to take cold showers</p>

<p>What I like about spring:
-sleeping outside
-hanging out late at night with friends and not being cold
-flip flops
-cruising with the windows down and music up
-leaving an early movie and having it still be light out
-having class outside

<p>I HATE SPRING!!!!!!!</p>

<p>bring fall and winter on!! Im one of the few that love rain and wind and cold weather..i cant stand the heat..so im getting out of the kitchen..</p>

<p>Spring is so awesome:</p>

<p>-May folks
-my birthday
-not too hot or too cold
-trees begin to really bloom
-no more sweaters</p>

<p>oh, cool, someone else said cold showers.</p>

<p>-the beach
-lying on your back and just looking at the stars (:) my favorite)
-flip flops
-school ending
-leaves on trees</p>

<p>theblumuffin, I forgot about the stars...they are beautiful to look at.</p>

<p>yeah that's my favorite thing to do.</p>