St. Albans School (D.C.)

<p>I have been looking around these forums but haven't found much info on this school. It doesn't appear to be a big name school, but a friend of mine attends it, as does his brother (a senior), and they highly recommend it to me. Does anyone have any inside info about it (academics, college matriculation, dorms, sports, etc.)</p>

<p>The only thing I know about this school is that the author Curtis Sittenfeld taught there. She wrote the book Prep, which is supposedly based off her time at Groton and her experience teaching at St. Alban’s. </p>

<p>I don’t know much about St. Alban’s, though.</p>

<p>I am interested in this school too! From its matriculation, many boys go to great schools like Ivys. Here’s the link from the school website: [St</a>. Albans School - College Counseling](<a href=“]St”>
I also have some question for this school. Do they accept applications from international students? Do they have a strong music program especially in choral music just like st paul’s school’s choir and st andrew’s school’s(DE) choir that great and professional?
And which one is better? woodberry forest school or st.albans school???</p>

<p>@PabloIglesias, My friend’s brother is actually working on his essays for some of the Ivy schools, so I think academic wise it is as good as the big name prep schools. I will see them tomorrow, so I think I may be able to answer some of my questions as well as yours.</p>