St Andrew's School, Delaware

I agree. And I volunteer to be the inn-keeper!

iā€™m a little confused about the dress code for girls at SAS. Iā€™ve looked over the dress code document lots of times but Iā€™m still not 100% sure about what to wear. it looks like the girls have to wear dresses, skirts, or dress slacks (i donā€™t know what those are) for classes everyday. but when i looked on the website for pictures of students I keep seeing a lot of them just wearing colored jeans or regular pants. can anyone clarify for me? thank so much

My kid doesnā€™t go to SAS. But the dress code at her school is written the same wayā€¦ and at her school, it turns out that ā€˜dress slacksā€™ are any pants that are not blue denim jeans (other colors of jeans and khakis seem to be ok)! Personally, I think ā€œdress slacksā€ is an outdated termā€¦ who even knows what those are these days?

First, dress code only applies in classes and in chapel. Once someone is done with classes for the day, they generally change. So some photos that you see on the site are of times when some kids may happen to be in dress code because they havenā€™t changed while others are not required to be dressed up.

The handbook from last year doesnā€™t say ā€œdress slacks,ā€ it just says slacks, and specifies that means no jeans, cargo pants, work pants, or colored denim. All manner of chinos/khakis welcome.

But you may also see an occasional shot where a kid has bent the dress code (intentionally or not) without being asked to change (because nobody happened to notice).

The Handbook I am reading ("13-"14), permits, in addition to what you have listed at #621, ā€œslacks (must be neat, clean, and properly fitting ā€“ no jeans, work pants, cargo pants, leggings or colored denim)ā€.

Photos can be confusing. ā€œHaycockā€ wear is permitted May 15ā€“September 30, i.e., warmer months, and it allows for more casual wear most of the time, but not at Chapels, etc. Also, ā€œcasual dress may be worn at evening cafeteria meals and at cafeteria meals on weekends, including Sunday brunch. May be worn at breakfasts.ā€ Obviously, this is late afternoon and evening, as well as Sunday, wear. Lots of pictures are taken at time other than when classroom dress rules are in effect.

As at most schools, the feeling often is that girls have a much more liberal interpretation and enforcement of the rules than the boys do. If you have a specific question beyond these comments, Iā€™ll ask my daughter for an answer.

thanks @cameo43, @seekers, and @Charger78!! that really helped. i think i get it now

another question: how do roommates work? are new students always assigned with a returning student? i think my revisit guide said that since thereā€™s no questionnaire, they just place you with someone who they think has a similar personality. is that right? also, my revisit guide said that they never pair roommates of the same race together. I donā€™t have a problem with this or anything but still i wondered if it was true? thanks!!!

It is correct that there is no written questionnaire, but the admissions committee does the work of matching the roommates up. And by that time, they do know the kids quite well, and do put real effort into how they construct rooms. This doesnā€™t mean similar personality, it more often means complementary differences. My daughter says: ā€œAlmost all of the rooms were really well made, with lots of variety, but complimentary. Your initial reaction may be ā€˜whoa, theyā€™re really different from meā€™ but as soon as you get to know them you think ā€˜this person is really awesome!ā€™ā€

In my daughterā€™s interview they actually asked her some questions about who she would get along with (would she care if they were messy? or had trouble focussing? etc.). She says, be honest and take questions like that very seriously. (she had said she didnā€™t mind a messy roommate, and seriously questioned the wisdom of that answer later!).

My kids believe that for incoming III form students, they do separate students of similar racial or cultural backgroundsā€¦ striving for integration and appreciation of diversity throughout the form. Students new to IV & V form are usually paired with other new to form kids (since most of the returning students have selected to room with friends already). And since there are fewer kids, some of the freedom to randomize may be impacted (e.g., an incoming vietnamese student and an incoming chinese student were paired together; while not ā€œsame,ā€ still both asian)

A new vid on a relatively new summer program at SAS for in-state high schoolers.

I think this piece showcases the scenic beauty of the school well, not to mention its essentially altruistic nature.

Excellent video. SAS is an impressive place!

Anyone know when the roommates will be released?

Last year my son got an email on Monday, Aug 4 with the contact info for roommates. It may vary from year to year, so be patientā€¦ but it should be soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Sounds good! thank you! I will :smiley:

We got roommate assignments yesterday. You should be getting it soon.

still havenā€™t gotten mine but quick question: will the roommate info be sent by snail mail or email?

We got it by email and it was called rooming information. You should call the school.

never mind i just got it :slight_smile:

Hi all! Iā€™m a rising senior at SAS (class of 2016) and Iā€™d be happy to answer any questions you guys might have. Iā€™m also a girl, so I can shed a little light on the dress code situation (:

hi @asi102! i have a couple more questions (anyone can answer)

  1. about dress code- are rompers allowed? iā€™m guessing probably not but just in case
  2. is it a good idea to buy a mattress pad?
  3. whatā€™s it like being in a triple? are the rooms bigger than doubles? if anyone knows from experience what itā€™s like that would be great
    thanks guys!!! :wink:

Both of my kids love having a nice memory foam mattress topper. Not everyone uses or needs one, but they are awfully nice!

The triples are larger. Different groups will arrange the rooms differently; beds can be stacked in one bunk-bed and one single configuration. or all three beds on floor. Often kids will re-arrange periodically. Both my kids have really enjoyed being in a triple, and both have signed up to be in one again after having the experience.