St Andrew's School, Delaware

thanks @seekers!

We are looking forward to officially becoming a SAS family this weekend! DS is excited and nervous in equal measure : )

Quick question - Do students need to bring irons and ironing boards or are there community irons and ironing boards in the laundry rooms?

I’m excited for your family (and the others) to be joining the community! Welcome!

On my son’s freshman dorm there were two boys who brought irons, and they were borrowed enough that they wound up just leaving them in the common room for people to use any time. So, I guess they aren’t provided in the laundry room, and one might be welcomed by your son’s dorm mates.

I also think most of the time it’s acceptable to be lightly wrinkled.

Thanks, seekers!

Pretty sure our son does not iron and that “wrinkle-free” is part of the buying decision. Doing their own laundry (i.e., shlepping down to basement of Founders from second or third floors) is a big step in the first place . . . ~O)

Thanks @Charger78 and @SevenDad for answering these questions. What about a small printer? Is that necessary?

No printer necessary. School has free printers on network.

Thanks @seekers! Are the printers in the common areas on the dorm hall or more remote?

They’re in the library in main building, convenient to access. Many papers submitted electronically, a few teachers want a hard copy to mark up. Really not necessary to bring a personal printer, just takes up unnecessary space.

Thanks for the helpful tips! Heading to SAS tomorrow for international student orientation weekend and have major butterflies. It’s really nice of the school to host us for two whole days with a packed schedule. Hope we haven’t forgotten anything

So excited for you!
All the seniors and many of the athletes (for athletic camps) are already on campus and eager to welcome you. If you’ve forgotten anything, they will help you out by sharing generously (and there are stores nearby). Seriously, no need to feel stress about forgetting something.

I would not bring a printer. In general (and it’s taken me years to come around to this way of thinking) I am in favor of bringing a minimum of stuff, then figuring out if you really need anything else when you get there. Of course it’s more difficult for internationals or students who are a plane ride (vs. a car ride, however long) away
but I support what seekers says above. Go Saints!

Alert to prospective families, or greenhorns in the dark: Open Mic Night is now on Vimeo

This is just to remind everybody that the unscripted, student-driven moments on social media are a great way to “feel” the culture on a campus when you just can’t be there in person.

Back on Sept. 6, after move-in, Tad talk, Parents’ Picnic at Rodney Point, and the Square Dance . . . the Class of '16 and its minions in the SWAG organization produced a half-hour talent show that featured dance, juggling, guitar ballads, a lovely duet of “Tonight You Belong to Me” and, finally, the bad-ass rock of “Shoes for Traction”. Somehow, the video cuts out just as the VI Form band begins to ramp up the energy. There is a photo on the Sept. 11 Friday News from Campus email that shows how hundreds stormed the Engelhard stage moments later. Whatever. Seems to me that the choices of the students in the house, whether performers or audience, demonstrate again the “countercultural ethos” responsible for the healthfulness of the SAS community. There’s a whole lot of love and respect being shown while having a “good time”.

SWAG also put on the twentieth-fourth Frosty Run, and here is the students’ psych-up video: ~O)

Unofficial meet and greet at Cantwell’s in Odessa (5 mins. away) on Friday night, roughly 8:45 to whenever. We’ll be meeting up with some other '17 parents, and happy to expand the circle. GO SAINTS!

We will see how the evening unfolds after taking DS to dinner. Hopefully, we can join you
if '18 parents are allowed to crash the party ; )

Great to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. 7Dad in Middletown this evening! They were traveling nearby and knew it is Parents’ Weekend.

Oh no!! I was just telling my husband - nope won’t ever meet Sevendad since sevendaughter graduated.

In Middletown to see DS at school. It’s been almost two months and was almost nervous/ excited to see him. Was expecting massive changes to his appearance but he is still the same sweet but more confident kid. Says he loves it at school and that he is home. Hearing that made it all worthwhile. Math teacher says he is doing well - supposed to be struggling with the problems- that’s how he gets challenged and learn. Good to hear since I don’t think he was being challenged at his old school. Orchestra performance was great to hear and it was obvious the music director chose pieces that would make the members challenge their playing. Happy to hear such advanced oboe and bassoonists! A great start to the weekend.

@Charger78: Thanks for letting us crash your get together
so funny how that place turns into a de facto SAS satellite dining room on Parents Weekend. Saw a number of old faces at other tables/in passing.

@Calmpony: Our visit was mostly unplanned and definitely unannounced. Fear not, there is a chance we will see each other on campus in the future. Once a member of the SAS family, always a member.

Bill Amos was a very long-time teacher at SAS and passed away earlier this year at age 94. He wrote a wonderful history of the school for the Moss (#2) and O’Brien (#3) periods (headmasters after Pell; Roach is #4) and of course the science building is named for him. The school just held a memorial service. Linked below are the words of his son at the service, a man who was a faculty brat, graduate, and father of two St. Andreans. They reflect on a spirit of living and teaching that I think Amos bequeathed to the current community through his example.

prospective families may want to see how a student videographer encapsulates the meaning of a Dr. McLean-led trek off-campus to Hawk Mountain: