St. Michael's College, Theater

<p>Hi I was just curious if anyone is familiar with the Theater program at St. Mike's.
From the website, it looks like the summer theater gives students the chance to earn equity credits but I didn't see the entire curriculum.</p>

<p>Dear SField–</p>

<p>The courses offered in each area of study can be found in the Saint Michael’s College Course Catalog. Here is the [link</a> to the catalog](<a href=“]link”> If you type Theatre in the search box, it will provide you a list of all the courses offered through the theatre department.</p>

<p>If you have specific questions about the Theatre program, I would encourage you to reach out directly to professors within the program. You can find their [contact</a> information here](<a href=“]contact”></p>

<p>Please let me know if you have other questions.</p>


<p>Jeremy Brown
Assistant Director of Admission

<p>Thank you!!</p>