St. Olaf Regular Decision 2025 Decisions!

Who else got accepted?

I’m browsing the dorm tours and conversations on their admitted student website and I’m so excited!

Thanks for starting this thread. My daughter was accepted to the college but we don’t know yet whether she has been accepted for Bachelor of Music candidacy. Congratulations to those accepted!

Same here. What instrument does your daughter play?

She plays viola.

Mine plays flute, so perhaps they’ll see each other in full orchestra…

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I was rejected :frowning: I’m international applicant who seeks almost full ride to study there.

Music decisions are posted! My daughter was accepted! Her letter references a Christiansen music scholarship but unfortunately doesn’t say the amount. More waiting, I guess.

I spoke to an admissions counselor yesterday and he said financial information would be posted in the portal this week.

Awesome, thank you!

We are likewise waiting to know how much our D’s music scholarship is worth! Will be interested to see how much it adds to the Presidential scholarship already awarded.

Would also be really interested to find parents for whom St Olaf a top contender, especially if you have visited and know other students who have attended.

We are international and are having to make decisions sight unseen - which is really hard.

We have received our music scholarship information. Looks like St. Olaf is in range for us. Hooray!

When will they release the need-based FA awards to admitted students?

They already have! check your portal

Mine hasn’t appeared yet. I think it might depend.

Everyone in my admitted students groupchat has recieved it. You should email and ask

The same portal you view your decision?

yes, it should say application update

Oof, just got my FA letter. Unsatisfied, but thats on me.

Curious if anyone here has matriculated and if so if you’ve received the link to set up your St. Olaf email? My son decided and sent in deposit about a week ago. He’s gotten 2 emails to follow the admitted students’ page and set up his email but no link to the email.