<p>I still feel like I'm missing something.. please fill me in.</p>
<p>This is what I have so far.</p>
<p>1- Solid Counselor Recommendation
2- Strong Recommendations from AP Euro and English Teachers.
10- Quite decent Extracurriculars listed in Common AP.
5- Normal State/National/Athletic Awards
1- Average Common Application Essay
3- I would like to say 'good' essays that I've worked on for four months.
34 ACT-12 writing.
800 Math II, 800 Chemistry
SAT meets low end of Stanford's top 96% score spectrum.</p>
<p>Is this all? (I feel like I wasted my time doing 30 other quite spectacular (in my opinion) extracurricular and community service that I have no space to mention...)</p>
<p>Please leave any comments or suggestions.
Thank you for your input in advance.</p>
<p>as long as you satisfy that, you shouldn’t worry about it. If you feel it doesn’t give you justice, that probably means you spanned a lot of your effort on way too many things. </p>
<p>Anyway, in regards to your situation, I think it’s fine. In fact, it’s probably better if you just focus on a few for the app – even if you did put passion into all of them, it’s better you’re fixed on one or two activities than on ten</p>
<p>Yeah. I have a few quality ones, but I really want to list the rest ( I guess I won’t)</p>
<p>But here’s what I’m planning on including</p>
<p>ForeignLanguage/Culture : [ Founder, President, Member, Treasurer] : [Chinese Club- Founder, French Club- President, National French Honor Society, City of (blank) Cultural Festival French Leader.</p>
<p>Computer/Technology: [VP] : [FIRST Robotics - VP,3 time national champion, Regional Chairman’s Award (Should i list the awards here? or on awards) | Computer Club- Vice President]</p>
<p>Other Activities: [Participant] : [University of Michigan’s Summer Science Academy Program, Gains for Education in Math and Science]</p>
<p>Academics: [Secretary, Treasurer] : [Math/Science Team- Secretary, Quiz bowl - Treasurer- National Tournament Participant/ Varstiy A Group Member ]</p>
<p>^ Am I doing it right? Is there some stuff that goes in other sections?</p>
ForeignLanguage/Culture : [ Chinese Club-Founder,French Club President, Nominated for New Century Summer Chinese Program, (city) French Festival Leader] : [Organized meetings, spearheaded fundraisers, led French section at festival, …etc)</p>