Stanford Cross Country?

<p>How good is it and what times should I be getting for any hope of getting recruited?
My PR is 19:00 which I know if not very good :(<br>
However, I have only ever run mountainous courses.
I placed 33 out of 117 at state.
I am academically very good and I am a junior.
If I wanted to EA next year would it be too late to try to get recruited with better results from senior season?
How good must one be to get recruited?</p>

<p>lolll i run a 17:09 and im ranked about 200th in the state. you need to be able to run a 14:40 on the track (about 15:40 for mountainous course) for stanford. if you can take 3 minutes and 20 seconds off your pr in 12 months, then yes you can try and get recruited.</p>

<p>i’m guessing the OP is probably a girl. that being said, i don’t know anything about stanford xc</p>

<p>15:40 on mountainous course? Is that possible? A kid ranked top 20 in the nation threw down a 17:11 on the state course and thats where I PR’d. On a track I can get just under a 5 minute mile. FYI, I am a guy… But, i’ve only run four meets and all were extremely hilly and in the mountains (where I live) and I always place top 20-30%. By mountainy, I mean hilly as hell, no golf course stuff.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about Stanford XC, but I’ve run XC for a few years, and I’d say you need to shave 2-3 minutes of your time, to get recruited.</p>

<p>Okay, I am pretty sure, considering my mile times, that on a golf course or flatter terrain I could get a minute off. I’ll just train a ton and try to find some meets in cities or something. How good should my mile time target be?</p>

<p>Stanford has one of the better distance programs in the country … to be recruited to run distance you need to be a national class run … something like top 1% in the country … state champion level (or pretty close if you’re from a big state) … probably a mile time of about 4:10 or lower.</p>

<p>I ran in the mid 4:20s in HS and was not good enough to be an official recuit at the D1 level … I guess I was a recruited walk-on (we’d love to have you try out if you get admitted) at a couple IVYies … and I ran 5:02 as a freshman.</p>

<p>Given your current times being a D1 recriut looks pretty unlikely and I’d suggest you expand your schools to include some D3 schools.</p>

<p>^Where do you go, Ivy or Stanford? If I train hard, something I have never done for xc, I am sure I could have a breakout season…Would it be too late to be good senior year?</p>

<p>I’m an old-timer … I went to Cornell many moons ago. If this is your first season of training a lot then maybe you could have a breakthrough season that might get you to D1 … but that 5:00 mile time is a red flag to me … I ran 5:02 as a freshman running about 5-10 miles a WEEK … and I did not have the talent to be a D1 runner. If you’re a 5:00 miler as a junior it would be totally amazing if you jumped to 4:10-4:15 a mile …I wish the best but don’t think it is likely at all.</p>

<p>sorry bro you’ll only get in with academics.</p>

<p>OP are you a boy or girl? If you’re a girl, drop your time a minute and a half. If you’re a guy, you wouldn’t be recruited at even a D3 school.</p>