Stanford in the movie "Avatar" (no spoiler info included)

<p>In Avatar, Sigourney Weaver's character (actually her avatar's character) wears a Stanford t-shirt throughout the whole film. Nice PR for the university! Do you suppose Stanford paid 20th Century Fox for that product placement? The movie cost between a quarter and a half a billion dollars to make - surely Fox wouldn't have given that publicity away for free.</p>

<p>haha yea that was awesome</p>

<p>Ha, I noticed it too! My friends (who want to go to Yale and Harvard) were like “gay…”</p>

<p>Who knows…maybe Sigourney Weaver suggested it herself since she went to Stanford for undergrad.</p>

<p>Ah, product placement has now spread to universities…</p>

<p>That’s a strategic move. (Next thing we know, a publicity war will erupt among the Ivies.)</p>


Guess that Harvard could not afford it. Since when Harvard was second before?</p>

<p>Did anyone notice that the color of the shirt was more crimson than cardinal? I don’t think they got the color right, or is that just me?</p>

<p>Maybe I am just too picky about details. Like why did everyone in the movie shoot their bow left-handed (not that I am against left-handed people as I am a lefty, but still), and why did some of the blue people have 4 fingers while others had 5?</p>

<p>It is called Stanvard, and Harvard did not even pay for the color.</p>

<p>the 4 fingered are the real N’avi, and the 5 fingered people are the Avatars, because of some genetic thingamawhatsit when they combine the DNA…</p>

<p>I dunno I read the lore. I feel lame. lol</p>