Stanford Website

<p>It says: "Decisions for Restrictive Early Action will be Mailed December 15
December 11, 2008</p>

<p>Official decisions will be delivered in the form of an email to applicants. Admitted students will also be mailed a packet of additional information, including their official admit letter. No decisions will be available anywhere on the Stanford website and decisions will not be available over the phone until December 18th."</p>

<p>Does this mean they may notify early -- like Friday via email and mail on Monday?</p>

<p>please post the link</p>

<p>and P.S. i hope that’s what it means.</p>

<p>I think it means email and mail on Monday. I could be wrong.</p>

<p>here, i found it…</p>

<p>[Admission</a> News : Stanford University](<a href=“Page Not Found : Stanford University”>Page Not Found : Stanford University)</p>

<p>i absolutely abhor having to go throught the weekend like this</p>

<p>nothing has changed. we get emails after 3pm pacific time on 12/15</p>

<p>haha, why would they put such an ambiguous statement on their website! it COULD mean emails are coming out tomorrow, since they only say MAIL (which i’m reading as snail mail) goes out on the 15th.
so we can hope … err, or have nervous breakdowns … for tomorrow … i guess maybe!</p>

<p>■■■■… why are they soooo mean? ughh… Columbia and Brown came out today…</p>

<p>I agree it is ambiguous.</p>

<p>GimmeStanford put it so well that I am going to say it again:</p>

<p>Nothing has changed. We get emails after 3PM Pacific Time on Monday 12/15.</p>

<p>Take it easy you guys, it’s only 3ish more days…</p>

<p>that december 11th is today’s date, as in the day that this news was posted online on the site</p>

<p>umm, you don’t know that. and we are just speculating.</p>

<p>Well, I don’t know if this new news cancels out what they said in the email we got, but according the that email, it said:</p>

<p>Decisions will be sent via email from Dean Richard Shaw on December 15 beginning at 3pm (Pacific Time). No decisions will be released at any time over the phone.</p>

<p>Beginning at 3pm? So it can be several hours late… Oh goody, more to look forward to on monday</p>