Stats published by Tech on past years' entering freshman-lots of good information!

I recently came across this page on the VA Tech website:

It has all kinds of information on test scores and GPAs of past years’ incoming freshman classes, as well as other info.

For example, if you click on the “entering freshman profile by cohort”, you can do a search by college and then by major to see what the stats were on the entering freshman for that major. This includes GPA, SAT/ACT, gender, race, and the number of people enrolled as freshman in the major.

Through the “applications, offers, enrollees” link, you can see the number of applications they received, school wide or by college or by major, and how many enrolled.

I found it very informative and wanted to pass it on as I simply stumbled across it while researching on google!

Note that people may have been accepted but not entered as freshman so this data is not all-inclusive as far as who was accepted.

When it gives data for 2017, is it referring to those who applied this year? It’s odd to see that there’s a yield rate if people haven’t gotten their decisions yet.

2017 is for those entering Fall 2017.