
<p>does anyone know purdue's placement rate of pre-med students into med school? is it true that its a pretty strong school in researc/science</p>

<p>input would be great seeing as how im considering it</p>

<p>do you know the average sat score the school expects?</p>

<p>I think anything above 1300 (on old SAT scale) will be good enough for Purdue.</p>

<p>The hard sciences (bio, chem and physics) are pretty strong and they have a lot of research going on right now with the new discovery park and all. I don't know about the medical school placement though.</p>

<p>I agree with boomer01. This Discovery Park and all the new buildings, professors, etc that go along with it is really going to be something. I don't know that this is the main link, but this link might provide a start for you: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks for your input i got a 1320 on the old sats and my math and reading score from the new sats comes out to be a 1350. do you know if purdue gives merit based scholarships? would i be eligible for one?</p>

<p>Purdue does indeed give merit based scholarships. There are general ones for all of Purdue and then there are scholarships specific to the area you enter. My son got lower than you on the SAT and did receive a scholarship. However, I think they may have looked at his ACT score which was higher. They also looked at his GPA. There are many different types of scholarships too depending on your area, like for minorities, women in engineering, etc. I would visit the admissions pages but then also the area you are interested in at their site: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i believe the requirements are something like 1320+ or 31+ ACT AND top 10% in your class to be eligible for scholarship. i was a fairly poor student for the first two years in h.s, but scored really high on tests/AP (1520 SAT , 33 ACT, 5's on all AP's except one), but i was only in the upper half of my class. however, i received a notification for scholarship for my sophmore year due to my gpa, so if you dont get it the first time around, you can still get one if you do well in school.</p>