Stevens MSIS vs Bentley MSIT

<p>Hello everyone,I've received admits from Stevens and Bentley.Kindly help me choose the right one.I've just completed my undergrad in cs and I would like to take up a BA role.</p>

<p>Bentley University</p>

*The business school offers MS IT program with an option to pursue many cross disciplinary electives and flexibility.
*It has good internship and placement opportunities.Big 4 recruit aggressively.(Dunno about IT though)
*The business school has some very prestigious accreditations.
*The cohort is small.Total strength would be 30.
*Less competition.Highly ranked career services.
*A built in internship with the course
*Not a big brand name to reckon with.Limited to boston
*Scarcity of freshers
*Accounting and Finance are the limelight majors
*Boston is more suited for developer roles and has competition</p>

*Stevens is a decent brand name,at least in NYC.
*Close to 95% full times and internships.
*Good coursework with red hot market courses and specializations
*Bigger class.Strength would be around 100
*More competition.
*The Business school is not as popular as the engineering school.
*It isn't accredited by AACSB.The director expects it by 2015Q1.
I'm really having some tough time ranking them and arriving at a conclusion.As of now Stevens is my first priority,but slightly inclined to Bentley as well.I would appreciate your suggestions.</p>